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Swara-relax sujata relax.....get one thing in ur head i truly love dheeraj for him I can die and can kill ...don't wake animal inside me u will regret badly

Sujata-u are lying..u love my son

Swara-sujata people calls me psycho but orginally it's suits you...swasan was a closed book of season 1 ... know it's swara sanskar

Sujata- u got ur memory back

Swara- i want to tell you a secret the thing which is lost only can get back not the one which is self hidden

Till all of them came
Sanskar- maa what's this behaviour what are you doing....swara u listen to me it's true we love eachother but

Sujata- sanskar she is

Sanskar- enough maa please...we are going to Kolkata now itself

Sai- but sanskar

Sanskar- trust me Sai it will be best for us

Ram- u put down my head on shame ...come with me sujata

He drag her with him sanskar hugs Sai then ronak and side hug pallavi..he comes to swara ... swara holds his paam and take her to car

Sai- swara

Pallavi - she can't be so heartless

Swara make him sit inside the car and drive away .. she stops her car in lonely place

Swara comes out sanskar also came

Sanskar- swara

Swara- sanskar u hear me today....we are not good for each other..nor today nor yesterday nor tomorrow

Swara raise her arm Allah Hafiz came and sit on it...sanskar shockingly looks at her

Sanskar- it means your memory returns

Swara- i never lost it ..

Sanskar- how can u do this to me....why u did it ...if u had any problems u had told me

Swara- sanskar coming straight to point are we really good for eachother..we don't had understanding faith in partner u wanted do I was that

Sanskar- but

Swara- what but sanskar ...everyday we fight ...then compromise again same i doesn't understand ur point nor u understand me ..for u every other person is important for me it was our relationship....u were right at ur point ur Ragini's bestie it's ur responsibility to safeguard her but did u concern about us

Sanskar-how can u able to leave everyone like that as we were nothing to u

Swara-why will i care for u ...why always i have to care ha why ...what I got in return...jail rehab cheater drug peddler criminal tag for lifetime 2 times my dreams were snatched from me I forget them also moved on my life then what I got tell me maa called me animal killer my dad called me beast my parents wanted me hang till death punishment

Swara-curse from relatives....ur maa never left a chance to destroy me ...and u everytime I had to understand u why can't u understand me u only see my anger u always compared me with Ragini

Sanskar-no swara I never compared u but u are right we both lack faith and I doesn't able to give respect to our are correct we doesn't give u any reason to stay

Swara-sanskar today my decision hurt u but by the time u will understand we are not meant for each other

Sanskar-hmmm it's paining me badly but what paining me more is I made u like this ....

Swara-sanskar in our relationship more than love u have guilt and for me my heart stop feeling pain its broken very badly it doesn't matter if anyone is where for me or not

Sanskar-I want a promise

Swara - what

Sanskar-u will start fresh leaving every sorrow behind

Swara-for that u have to promise me u will bring love in ur life again


Swara- promise..

Next day

In park

Niel-swara i want to say

Swara keep the bangle on his paam
Swara-niel if u serve ur trust on plate u will get betrayal only ...that day 70 % wrong but u too also at fault...u given promises ur trust but u analysis is the person is really worth of it


Swara- before giving such heavy promise make urself 100%sure u have choosen correct person..or ready face heartbreak

Niel- thank you

Swara give the bangle back
Niel- i keep it

Swara - give to that person who trust u whose looks to u will be assurance i am with u to whom u don't need give promises to stay

Niel- we will meet definitely in future...u will be always a dream to me which every man dream to get

Niel goes ..,... dheeraj comes out he was hiding in bushes

Dheeraj- swara we will marry soon there is many candidates are roaming

Swara- dheeraj shut up

Dheeraj- here swara it's public places I know I am handsome but control i am urs only wait till marriage

Swara- dheeraj I am coming

Both spend sometime and goes ....


Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now