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In Dayal mansion

Swara's room

Swara is sleeping she seeing a dream where a girl is begging to a woman to leave her ..while that drag the girl and put her behind the bar ..swara gets she is sweating ..she gets up and looks at the time it's 3:00am ...she opens the door and goes to terrace

Swara-why why it happened with me what was my fault sanskar u become great and I had pay for your greatness

Voice - what has sanskar done

Swara turn and see..Dayal and janaki

Janaki-swara if u are trying to say yesterday story don't we want real reason

Swara-mom there is nothing

Janaki-swara i am your mother i know when u are lying

Dayal - leave it janu ..swara talk to us when u revel the reason until don't talk to us u have our sware


He takes janaki with him ..
Janaki-u know what you did

Dayal - it's the only way janaki...i don't care about the reason for hate i am worried for the pain behind her hate

Janaki-u think i don't know...i have given birth to her i know she is broken from inside ..let's see what will happen
Swara-uttra really i am feed up with u  because of ansh sanskar Ragini is behind me know u want me to take another get of a black girl

Uttra-please babu please u know na i don't have heavy budget for hiring models please babu last time...u know throw u ...i show black people are also beautiful...ok i will not tell u to become ansh and convey my parents

Swara-parents one side ur parents other side mine ..ansh brought sanrag to my life Know kirti

Uttra- thank you

Swara-by this get god knows who comes behind me

Swara done modelling as usual it was hit every magzine swara's kirti avtaar

Swara-sumi aunty u know truth is so bitter  ..that truth mom dad can't able to handle

Sumi-i am against it your parents has the right to know but u don't want so there is only way forgive sanskar

Swara-what to forgive him

Sumi-swara we both he became reason but he didn't have any role in that matter he didn't done anything to u ...he Even don't know what happened behind his back ..if u want to handle this matter ..


Sumi- swara truth will come out u can only handle the matter they are ur parents if u act with him they will definitely caught u so forgive him and start a new beginning with him

Swara-you are right aunty thanks
Next day
Karma industry

Swara came to sanskar cabin

Swara-sanskar can i come in

Sanskar-come anything remaining to say me

Swara gives cactus plant to him he looks shockingly at him
Swara-listen u before misunderstand my intention .. i came to say sorry so thought to bring bouquet navratri is going on so all purchased flower and some marriage bouquet also finished i only got this promised tomorrow i bring rose today adjust with this ..oh sorry...i am sorry to hurt u ....i brought jalebi for u .

From her bag she takes out a box she opens it has one jalebi

Sanskar-hmmmm wao

Swara-in tension i only eat it... please adjust tomorrow i will bring imarti

Sanskar bust out in laugh
Sanskar-my gifts u brought from me .. actually when u came i thought u are going to hit me with it

Swara-so u forgiven me na ...

Sanskar- swara ur bitter words doesn't hurt me but what hurt is something i have done which i don't know that hurted u

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now