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Sanskar-not a word Ragini ...and u swara because of u both my uttu is not in this world..i don't want to see u both

He push both swara is going to fall but Sai holds her

Sai-sanskar how u treat ur bestie I don't care but u can't treat like this to my uttra's shona

Sujata-beta control urself if u break down like this how we can find her culprit .,..swara before going she asked me to take care of u

Swara cries remembering uttra ... whenever anyone say anything to her uttra stand as shield

Sai-we have to find that person

Sanskar hugs him and cry then looks at Ragini ..he goes to him

Sanskar-Ragini please tell me what's matter... please i have lost my sister

Ragini-some one is blackmailing me ..he called me to show way to theif to enter in ansh mansion..then told me to given a parcel to  ranga and to download an app in uttra's call

Sujata slapped her hard
Ragini-i doesn't know they kill uttra i have no idea that parcel having kavita's photo

Sanskar-how are they blackmailing u

Ragini-they have my video which once nikhil made ..he told he will viral it

Swara-its clear someone wants to revenge from Ragini by framing in murder case of me kavita and uttra

(Ansh truth everyone knows now Means mf gf thakur)

A woman by screaming comes down

Woman-that eagle again came and sitting front uttra's frame I made him run away

1 month leap

They tried everything but found nothing..they tried to find the person throw no. From which she was black mailed ... everyone is loosing hopes..they tried to find nikhil..from mother they get to know he is in Canada from 2yrs

Sanskar-there is no hope

Sujata-god will definitely show some ways ... But u can't stop ur life sanskar u have to go office swaragini u too and sai

Sai-i am here for some more days after that I am leaving this state

Swara-sai u got chance to work in rajamouli sir movie

Sai-I am not going there i decided to sell my studio from whom I wanted to be successful she left i have nothing no one


Sujata- one mint sanskar ....what u mean ...u have no one ...we are nothing to u ...u are my son ...god taken my daughter and given u

Ram- Sai i have lost one child not any more please accept us as ur family for uttra ...for her accept us

Sanskar - if u go her soul will not get peace...i have accepted u as my brother

Swara - and what u mean by seeing ur studio ...u remember to start the studio ur career she also did hard work to support u

Sujata cries
Sujata-my daughter always there for us she was a good friend sister gf and daughter..I never supported her when she needed when got chance to give her everything god took her with him

Sanskar-how can I forget everything maa and move on my uttu took her last breath in my arms...i couldn't able to save her..and her criminal is free and enjoying..till i find out who and get that creep punish i can't sit quietly

After sometime
Swara-i have one thing in my mind from months

Sanskar-whats that

Swara-uttra's last words Allah Hafiz ...

Ragini - may be she knows it's her end

Sai-yeah but it was strange..that word is not bad but as she doesn't use to speak in Urdu na


Some sound came from uttra's room  

Ram - it must be that eagle ..

Sujata-i have closed every windows of that room

Ram-there is a small gap where I was going to put exaust fan i will not leave it

Ram took a stick they goes to uttra's room ...where that eagle is sitting infront of uttra's picture looking..Ram raise stick to beat it

Swara stops him

Swara-wait uncle....he comes daily only in this room and sit infront of uttra's picture..

Sanskar - what u mean

Swara thinks something and goes forward

Swara raise her arm ...eagle looks scared

Swara-Allah Hafiz

Eagle looks at swara ...then flies and sit on swara's arm ..all shocks

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now