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Swara - seriously all of u dad everything is my mistake Ragini is destroying her life is my mistake..sanskar is bringing Ragini in our relationship it's my mistake...sanskar I said simple thing I don't want to bring third person problem in our relationship...did i stop u for your duty towards Ragini I stop u mom dad ..if Ragini is behaving like psycho is my mistake....ruhaan love me is my mistake....

Swara-i always keep my relationship in priority whatever problem comes i never let it effect it our relationship...sanskar i never interfere in your friendship ....when the matter of ansh came they choosen Ragini not me that time ...sanskar ur priority is Ragini okay I am fine with it ...but u don't have any thoughts about our relationship why always i have to understand

Sanskar-swara thinking about my bestfriend life who was with me in every situation she given strength to me when i was broken is wrong  ... thinking my partner will help me is wrong ...

Swara-sanskar I had a hectic day today so please excuse me

Swara goes inside .. after sometime they also goes

In ruhaan house

Ragini comes as she was called by urvashi ... at that time light goes ...someone back hugs her

Voice - jaan after long time I am seeing u ...i know u are angry with me

Ragini break the hug

Guy- this much angry from ur fiance

He pull her to him ..before Ragini could say anything he place his lips on her he was kissing her passionately ...Ragini some how push him


Guy - ohho so madam want to call her brother but I am your would be husband

He pull her to him and kiss her he holds her hands behind her after sometimes he break the kiss lights came

Ragini raise hand but guy holds her paam

Guy-who are u and what are u doing in my room

Ragini-u scoundrel how dare u to kiss me

Guy-excuse me it's my room and i thought it's seerat and how dare u to come in without knocking

Ragini-its bua's room

Guy- it was know it's my room

Ragini-by hearing my voice u don't understand i am seerat

Guy- it's quite long

Ragini-u cheap bustard

Ragini goes from there..seerat comes she was hiding behind almira

Seerat- good job Karan Kundra

Karan - how can u ...i am feeling ashamed of myself....what I do with a girl

Seerat slap him
Seerat-Dont show ur eyes to me don't forget i am paying u ....and ha remember ur mother is in life support system and I am paying for it so do what i said to u

Seerat goes Karan break down he slaps himself and cry for his helplessly

Ragini who is going out dash with urvashi

Urvashi - Ragini where are u going ...

Ragini-bua ji woh that boy in the room

Urvashi - my would be son in law...don't tell u like him

Ragini-bua ji what are u talking

Urvashi - just kidding

Ruhaan comes
Ruhaan-ragini ...come with me

Ruhaan holds her paam and takes her to his room
Ruhaan-what happened Ragini..look we are at odd I know but we were friends to tell what happened

Ragini teary tell everything ruhaan holds her paam and take her to Karan slap him hard seerat also came

Ruhaan-how dare you touch her Karan

Seerat-ruhaan actually

Ruhaan-seerat i am talking to Karan not u ...and seerat what he is doing in my house infact what u are doing here

Seerat-ruhaan u are saying like I am nothing to u

Ruhaan-exactly seerat who are u ..u are not my relatives friend from which right u called him here

Urvashi-she is my distant relative

Ruhaan-u know what he did

Seerat-its her mistake to come to our room without knocking

Ruhaan - I told u i am not talking to u ..urvashi bua if they want to stay here ask them to apologise him holding Ragini's feet

Seerat-u don't want to get married to her u hate her then

Ruhaan-then what seerat that doesn't give anyone to misbehave with her ...what are u waiting for

Karan who was already guilty goes on his knees going to touch her feet ..but Ragini stops him

Ruhaan- u are staying here but remember stay 5 feet away from her

Ruhaan goes with Ragini

Ragini-u love me thats why u took a stand for me fight with your family

Ruhaan smiles
Ruhaan-everyone thinks u are mad crazy but I know u fear from loosing ur love once again...both of us condition is same ..our previous relationship of love or attachments but there was a relationship we both got heartbreak with difficulty we tried to stop ourselves to fall in love again but we falls hard in love ...but we both falls for the person who love someone else ...who can't be ours ..u unknowingly and me knowingly..and what did  i inside i have done for anyone but if he did it to my love before me she has killed him that's other matter ..i would have shown him hell

Ruhaan goes ...urvashi comes

Ragini-bua ji

Urvashi-i thought u will heal him both  get eachother but before u enter our family difference started

Ragini-bua ji

Urvashi goes Ragini goes cryingly

Next day in mm
Swara came to talk to sanskar...but he don't want to he goes in room and lock it

Swara-sanskar open the door talk man to man

Sanskar from inside
Sanskar-dumb lady u are not man ...

Swara-ha whatever open the door

Sanskar- go when ever u want to talk i listen when I wanted ...i have hectic day I want rest( mimics her)

Swara - sanskar in anger u forget one think lock of the room is not only side it has outside also...

Swara lock the room from outside
Swara-bye enjoy in ur room kalicharan

Swara-mom what u mad

Sujata-waise i made a mad but in break fast chole chawal

Swara-with achaar

Sanskar-mom dad open the door

Ram-i am coming

Sujata-if u open the door I will lock u in store room there is so many rats

Ram-noo sorry son

Sanskar - dad

Ram-who told u to become oversmart stay there and watch bahubali

Sujata- come let's go

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now