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Swara-maa paa can I go to uttu room for sometime

Sujata - u don't need to ask

Swara goes to her room as usual Allah Hafiz is sitting besides her photo as he is telling his matters to her

Swara goes and lovingly place her paam on him then looks at uttra pic

Swara - yrr ur shona ur is alone why u left me i don't know what should I do ..

Voice-then first calm urself first

Swara turn and see
Swara-sai ..u after a long time

They hugs eachother
Sai-i know everything maa called me yesterday and told me ...i know you are afraid of heartbreak again

Swara looks at him Then turn her face
Sai-swara come sit are keeping back step from someone problem is not ur actual problem

Sanskar comes and see Sai
Sanskar-sai when did u come

Sai-that's not important....sanskar u want to help Ragini is not wrong every bestfriend or friend will do for there friend but bringing ur relationship in between is wrong ...and swara  i will talk to u separately

Sanskar-why u scold me infront of her u should scold her infront of me

Swara-I am good girl that why he doesn't scold me and he is my bestie

Sanskar-no he is my brother

Sujata-he is my son

Ram-shut up all of you...he is my son

All laugh
Sai-u both idiots strach the matter ...swara sometime think from his side too...and sanskar if u love her learn to respect and trust her ...swara anger infront of anger bring destruction only

Sanskar-i am sorry in anger i said many things to u and raise hand on u

Ram-what u raised hand on her how dare u sanskar

Sujata-do I teach u this

Sanskar-maa in return she given me slap

Sujata-that's good I like it

Ram-u disappointed me today sanskar ..U know bhai sa never respected bhabi ..i have also like him but i proudly said to all my son is not like us ... real man knows to keep respect of his lady in whatever situation

Swara-it's okay uncle

Ram join his paam
Ram-its not okay beta we belong to that culture where god's also in respect bow there head down in respect of the wife

Swara stop him
Swara-dad please don't do this heat of moment it happened...

Sujata-he the right to get angry on but don't have the right to raise his hand on u

Sanskar-i am sorry mom i am really very sorry dad

Ram-sai what's ur plan now dare you plan to leave us again

Sai-where I go leaving u all ...first let's solve this mess then we will have party

Sujata-sanskar what u decided what's the plan

Sanskar-i thought to talk with Ragini ..

Sanskar got call from Ragini she told everything to him called ends ...he gets angry and  hesitate to tell

Ram-sujata i am in study room ....sujata what are u doing here they are mature enough to handle there problem..swara after discussion have breakfast and sai u too then u come and meet me

Sanskar - dad

Ram-sujata i have some work don't disturb me

Ram goes sujata looks at sanskar who is sad ..she also go

Sai-sanskar give him sometime he will be fine ...what Ragini told

Sanskar told everything including urvashi's comment

Swara takes out her phone
Swara-shakal were are u ... underground what's matter ...ohho u doesn't get anyone else house to steal ...u have a work.....u will get 3 lakhs ...done

Sanskar-what are u upto

Swara-i will tell u later

Sai-who was he

Swara-my jail mate

Sanskar-are u crazy u are going to meet a's not safe

Swara-u don't worry nothing happens to me don't dare to follow me

Sanskar-i won't let u go alone

Swara-please trust me u go to Ragini U have my sware ..and u have uttu sware

Sanskar-i hate u for it

Sai-we hate u

Swara-bye boys

Swara in a lonely street it's knight time a man looking like goan comes to him

Shyam - what u wanted to me to do

There talks were mute

Swara-shakal if any mistake happens I will burn u alive

Shyam - madam u ready the payment ur work will be done

Swara-if u got caught

Shyam- no chance of it.. advance

Swara-take it's one lakh rupees...u try to oversmart with me

Shyam - i know very well about u will sell my complete organ and pull my skin and get back my money

Swara-take it

They goes

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now