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Sai-swara tell me everything

Swara-sai u go don't put urself in danger

Sai-swara i have nothing to loose except a promise given to my uttu i protect her shona

Swara-if I was a man definitely we were enemies

Sai-till i would be her bf okay

Savi who came hearing them
Savi-who left the world you are getting jealous of thinking someone else made her his gf strange

Sai- she left for world she is there for me ..

Savi looks at him lovingly
Swara-isn't it my uttra was lucky she left world but still alive in all

Sai-swara don't play now tell me what happened after kidnap u have uttra's sware now

Before she could speak forensic report came staying the dead body is not of ruhaan .. swara's lawyer came with bail order..she was released

Savi-swara where is ruhaan then

A man comes runningly to police station..

Swara-ruhaan what are u doing here u should be on fight this time

Ruhaan-i saw u arrest news on my murder charges I run away from shyaam custody

Virat-what's happening will u explain why u taken law in ur hand..or u started loving jail life

Ruhaan-swara doesn't kidnap me I go willingly with shyam so u can't arrest her.

Savi - if it's a joke I must say it's very bad one

Sai-its ur senses of humour problem then

Savi - mind ur words

Sai-mind ur work he is saying he was willing gone with them so

Savi-then what happened that day

Sai-match fixing

Savi-- what nonsense u are saying

Sai-then what nonsense u are saying

Savi-u uu

Sai-sai kethan

Savi-u are champu ...u only told kidnapping happened

Sai-so what i telling what I saw he is telling what happened

Savi-what happened

Sai-why are asking me ask him he was kidnapped

Savi-then why u started to intrupt

Sai-its was u ..if it's a joke it's very bad

Savi-i will put u behind the bar

Sai-it's better than talking to you


They turn see trio shockingly looking at them

Swara-wah kya scene thaa

Virat-swara i am her baba also don't forget

Swara-sasur ji Sai ke (thinks) ur wife name is also Sai na


Savi-why to bring aaai here ...ruhaan u tell them what happened that day

Ruhaan- i was kidnapped but i have saved my self ..I got scared so I hide myself

Savi-it's not convincing story

Sai-madam everyone is scared of death..he may be shock of kidnapping

Savi-how u know

Sai-common sense

Savi-constable release her and take there sign

Outside police station

Swara-ruhaan u should leave this place it's not safe for u

Ruhaan-swara I love u by seeing u in trouble i won't go anywhere

Sai-swara what's next

Swara-let's see..

Ruhaan-swara Sai told me everything because of me u are in this condition i am sorry

Swara-it's not ur fault ruhaan ..they don't need me but they were my family i have to save them before leaving this state

Sai- swara u are my responsibility...i will be there with u whatever happens ..if u leave the state i will come with u get that in ur mind

Swara remember something

Swara-uttra yrr mom dad all were against me i am feeling lonely

Uttra-I am with u swara if world is against u so remember it's world versus us if I am not there i will be with u in another form

Flashback ends
Swara smiles

Ruhaan-what we will do

Swara-let get married ruhaan

Both shockingly looks at her
Swara-what want to face them na so let get married


In badi

Seerat-sanskar ur love is in jail and ur parents were with we and Ragini get ready from tomorrow ur marriage function is going to start

Janaki - when there is no groom to whom she gets married

Seerat-u don't worry about it ...i am missing swara what to do she came in my way that's why I have to get her arrested on false case

Dayal-what false case

Urvashi-what happened yesterday false case ...we have planned it

Voice-tumne bukara aur hum chale aye

All get shocks to see swara ruhaan in bride and groom attire with Sai

Janaki - swara u came

Janaki goes to hug her but swara stops her from hugging her
Swara-excuse me do i know u

Janaki - i am sorry beta ...I get mad i doesn't trust u

Sanskar-swara i couldn't able to tell u that time

Swara stop them in middle
Swara-look i got my answer and u both are my parents it' s better I was orphan

Janaki - please don't say like that

Swara-please i am done it i thought to spend my life with the one who loves me and ruhaan is the one we get married

Ragini comes too ruhaan
Ragini-we are going to marry his can u

Sanskar-u can't marry him u are my love we love each other

Ruhaan-but know we are husband and wife...come swara let's go

Urvashi-what where are u taking her there is not place for her in my house

Ruhaan-bua ji firstly it's my house and she is my wife she has full rights from today Sai also stay with us

Seerat-no get her out or i will kill ayush Shobha

Ruhaan-kill everyone who are they to me

Ruhaan holds swara's paam sanskar seprate them and holds ruhaan collor

Sanskar-she is mine ...dare u touch her

Sai push him
Sai-stay away from her

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now