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They goes to venue it's beautifully ruhaan step forward lights goes off its total dark

Swara-it's too filmy ....god help I don't want to dash with him as history he may fall may be in cake(thinks)

Ruhaan holds swara's paam...
Ruhaan-swara it's totally dark u may fall

Swara-its ur special moment u go forward


He goes forward but by holding her paam all light get on there is beautifull pictures of him and Ragini

Flowers Petals falls on them ..swara release his paam from her

Swara-from here u have to go forward

Swara goes backwards ruhaan goes forward where Ragini is sitting on her knee and with a ring

Ragini-ruhaan i don't cheesey lines I love you i want to live my entire life with u..will u give me honour to be urs

Ruhaan make her stand
Ruhaan-Ragini u are a great person u are one of the best person I meet i like u as my friend but i don't love u

Trio shocks

Ragini- I saw love in ur eyes why are u denying.. moments we shared

Ruhaan-ragini i never loved u

Sanskar-whatever you did for u used get jealous..efforts u did for Ragini

Ruhaan-I have done that all for my friend..I never thought like that for Ragini

Ragini starts crying
Ruhaan-ragini please don't cry ..i don't know u have feelings for me

Sanskar-really ruhaan u don't know

Ragini run away in tears sanskar follow him

Swara-what's ur problem ruhaan ..then what was that efforts u did to get her attention ..moments u showed ur untold feeling for her

Ruhaan eyes has tears
Ruhaan-i thought i love her but by the tym i understand she is my friend only

Swara-why can't u give a chance to her u are not realising ur feelings u to love her

Sanskar calls by saving Ragini is crying badly so he is taking her back..swara told she brought her car she will come

Swara-u are not realising ur feelings u can't see her crying u get jealous when other guy around her

Ruhaan-swara please

Swara-ruhaan tell what's bothering u

Ruhaan become frustrated
Ruhaan-u are bothering me mind in my soul u are there heart beats ur name i am madly deeply in love with u

Swara shockingly looks at him
Ruhaan-i can't give chance to Ragini because my heart beats ur name knowing u loves sanskar

Swara-ruhaan what are saying ..from my any act u feel

Ruhaan-swara I also don't know when I started falling for u

Swara-ruhaan this love don't have future .. accept Ragini she is a nice girl u will falls for her

Ruhaan gets angry he holds her both hands
Ruhaan-leave sanskar be my girlfriend my love will be enough for both of u ...and i am nice boy

Swara-ruhaan what are are you doing

Ruhaan leave her holds her face from his paam his eyes have tears

Ruhaan-swara it's wrong na similarly how can u say me to accept Ragini when I love u ...i never said u to love me back ..when i falls for u then I know I am loving a moon which never be mine

Ruhaan leaves her
Swara-ruhaan how can u

Ruhaan-I doesn't have control on closed eye my hand paint ur picture


Ruhaan-swara let's go

They goes back then to her mansion
Swara-what happening in my life my life is becoming like jethalal one problem exists another two enter from back door

Swara goes to her parents she tell what happened
Janaki - i feeling bad for Ragini... again a heart break

Dayal-in my advice u should stay away from this matter ..

In ruhaan house

Ruhaan is sitting
Voice-ruhaan for ur love u are forgetting ur revenge


Urvashi- today chance came to u but missed it

Ruhaan-swara is my love ....Ragini is madness my peace when I saw her crying u can't imagine peace I revenge is more than my love ...

Ruhaan takes out a photo from a file

Ruhaan-because of that Ragini u are not with me kavita

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Ruhaan-because of that Ragini u are not with me kavita ... because of that bloody Ragini my kavita and my unborn child left this world ..laksh got punishment but because of sanskar influence u saved ..but i promise i will make your life hell

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now