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Someone turn swara and gives tight slap

Ragini-u fall this much ..u are trapping ram uncle by this sult

Swara-hey talk with respect say what you wanted to me not to her ... urvashi ji give it to me ..keep the cash ..ur daughter fees due date came

Urvashi - ji madam

She goes Ragini drag swara to thakur mansion..on the way she messaged to mm gd to reach thakur mansion

Ragini tell everything sujata sign in victory and what happened with her

Sanskar-swara how can u be so cruel

Janaki - one mint sanskar I agree by seeing ur mom condition she was happy and somewhere I was also thinking she got her karma but Ragini saying i won't believe

Dayal - my daughter is immature not criminal

Sujata - she is she told me she killed them

Keshav who came after getting msg from swara

Keshav - that day I told u false story so that atleast in fear u will make everything correct....that people died in shout with police swara was in rehab because of drugs

Sujata - then what about Ragini

Swara - oh sorry I forget ...Ragini please come here ...

Ragini comes swara gives her tight slap all shockingly looks at her

Swara-next before slapping know what is actually happening ...this the photo I given her look

Swara show it was someone else
Swara-it's my restuarant matter ...and about sujata maheshwari i don't think her as my enemy because for becoming enemy she need level..but i have something

Swara show sujata and her conversation

Swara-matter solved

Sanskar-what did u injected her

Dayal-hallucination drug that's why she thought she got shock treatment...what sujata ji i am doctor not comedian...she daughter is not doll to play with her always

Swara-if u get ur answer please vacate the place with this lady ...

All slowly vacate ..swara and her parents hugs eachother

Janaki - everything is sorted let's keep jagaran today

Dayal and swara disappeared

In studio
Swara performed as ansh ..her acting was superb

Sai- swara as film association has banned u i am taking risk to launch u in my ad film .. please make sure ansh reality doesn't expose

Swara-i promise

After sometime swara comes out she was going she was sanskar sitting lonely on road side on a broken branch...swara think to confirm..swara place her paam on his shoulder

Sanskar-ansh ..what are u doing here

Swara-i have a shout here ...what are u doing here

Sanskar - u should have known everything

Swara-i know everything

Sanskar-i don't know what to do ... everything is shattered my mom

Swara-what u wanted

Sanskar-I want peace from everything ..i apologise to swara she forgiven me now my mom she messed up everything

Swara-sanskar sometimes we wanted to do something to make everything normal but nothing is our hands..sanskar sometimes we have to leave everything on time

Sanskar-how can i ..

Swara-okay tell what will u do


Swara-sometime we have taken back steps from others fight ...time will solve everything

Sanskar's phone rings it's of sujata sanskar doesn't receive it

Swara-sanskar ur mother did everything for u ..if u leave her she will be broken or do something wrong ..u should help ur mom to overcome her problem...take leave and plan 1weak family trip make ur relationship strong may be she understands her mistake

Till Ragini came with her car
Ragini-sanskar all were worried for u..ansh what are u doing here at this time

Swara-selling Pani Puri City actor .. Shoot

Ragini-u are so mean

Swara-meri maa u came in search of him ...u find him na ask kbc from him

Ragini-why u always scold me i was happy to see u

Swara-oh thank u so Ragini ji shift ur focus to ur bestie

Sanskar-i am fine Ragini let's go home

Ragini-I can drop u

Swara-thank u for asking bye sanskar tc

Swara goes

Ragini-why was he behaving rude to me

Sanskar-because he understood what's coming to him


Sanskar- nothing

They goes

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now