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Sanskar-will u please explain in common terms

Swara - this all started from

Sanskar-kavita death

Swara-yrr ....

Sanskar phone rings .. after attending it
Sanskar-come police has came and we were called

Swara-let's go

In gd mansion

Virat-so u are Karan ...


Virat-who are they

Karan - i don't know

Savi-by saying that things won't work out

Karan - madam i telling truth really i don't know who is he ..i don't have any enemy

Savi-where u live

Karan - kanpur ...

Virat- tell ur complete address

Karan-keshav nagar basti no 6 kanpur

Virat-u have an enemy in work

Karan-no..i am a taxi driver

Virat comes to swara
Virat-where were you at the time of kidnapping

Sanskar-she was with us sir please on the basis of past please don't suspect her

Savi-its our duty

Sai- mam then find ruhaan

Savi-don't teach us what we have to do

Sai-i am not teaching i am just telling

Swara-maa I think u got ur future daughter in law (audible only to sujata)

Sujata-look how cute they are arguing

Virat-savi...get one photo of ruhaan

And after enquiry police goes

In ruhaan house

Seerat-who was the idiot who wants kidnap this stupid man ..that stupid goons kidnap mistakenly that ruhaan

Urvashi-u are stupid seerat behind this and intelligent brain worked and i have 100% surity it's swara .from one attack she target 4 strikes

Seerat-can u please elaborate

Urvashi-they doesn't kidnap ruhaan mistakenly there target was ruhaan only ...first if there is no ruhaan to whom Ragini marry there marriage cancelled..second she saved ruhaan she got idea that ruhaan is hurdle to us and we can do anything with him
Third they get Karan's information and forth we trio became suspect behind kidnapping

Seerat-no issues our plan c is full proof


In gd mansion

Everyone is relaxed having gala tym Ragini is worried for ruhaan but she is  also happy she is saved,.

Swara having coke Sai who is watching from long is seen by janaki

Janaki - what happened

Sai-as i know her something is cooking in her mind

Swara got a call on her another phone

Swara-shakal do I told u too implement this plan like this ... don't I told u kidnap him somewhere on street and people should tell  kidnapper were came for Karan

Shyam-madam boys it's there first time and in excitement they did the blunder

Swara-don't give me excuse...leave this city now itself with him..and if any mistake happens I won't give u chance for explanation

Shyam - but he is very agressive 5to 6 time he tried to run

Swara-for that only i am paying u 5lakh ..u know what u have to do

Shyam - very well

After sometime all goes to there house happily on the way swara break her sim and her phone in two parts and throw out

In Ragini's room

She sleeping peacefully her eyes open she shock to see Karan lying next to her

Karan - what happened ruhaan gone so what i therefore u

Ragini-u go from here ...or

Karan-or what i will taste u fully

Ragini-no please

Karan - i will not force u waise it's long na ur Dida went to Banaras she didn't return

Ragini-what u mean.

Karan - u are not dumb baby or ur brother school trip all this mess did u people asked how he

Ragini-what u have done with them ..i will kill u.

Karan- they are with me safe but how long it's depends on u.

Ragini-what u wanted

Karan-u ...only for one knight

Ragini-no u can't do this

Karan -offcourse i will do it ...choice is urs let's celebrate suhagrat tomorrow they will be here or forget u them

Ragini cries badly Karan is seeing her helplessly....
Karan - i can't do it i can't i can't ..

Karan jump outside from window Ragini looks shockingly..Ragini goes out

In thakur mansion

Swara point of view

Because of that stupid goons ...things doesn't end as i decided....did sanskar shift his parents to safe place

She takes her phone to dail but sanskar Sai comes there

Sanskar-swara where is maa papa

Swara-they have gone somewhere did u shift ur parents

Sanskar-know what's need everything is sorted ...


Swara-exactly my ur parents to close the door and windows until u return don't open it for any one..tell u security to be alert

Sanskar - can u say clearly

Sai-first do it sanskar

Ragini also came she looks frightened
They made comfortable first Ragini hesitate they told sanskar Sai blood boiled

Sai-I think Karan is not doing it willingly..wait swara u yesterday told we get our anwer if we found Shobha ji and ayush

Sanskar-it means u know that why my parents

Swara-from starting i doesn't back off not because I don't care about Ragini it's because I know seerat her madness her junoon to destroy u and Ragini.,... She was with me in rehab jail she is psycho she killed 3 boys whose name was sanskar 

Sai-why Ragini

Ragini-because when she was constantly troubling sanskar I have warned her

Swara-when ruhaan and his bua came i thought they will there marriage and all ..that day of ur marriage fixing date came to make u understand only but then I see seerat ..i understand things were not simple as seen ..if I came in between her madness will increase only

Sanskar-that means ruhaan


Ragini-but why swara he was not bad

Swara-i did it because ruhaan turned hurdle on there way they know they cant use him more that's why they introduce Karan

Sai- know they can't do anything

Swara-its begining only ...Karan is only a small weapon ......

Sanskar - we can find Karan helplessness and help him

Swara-u can but that will not effect there plan

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now