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In hotel

Ragini ruhaan is discussing sanskar is sitting seprately swara comes to sanskar

Swara-i am sorry sanskar


Swara-please forgive me na i am sorry I won't get angry on u


Swara-okay i  am holding my ears ..i am doing  sit-ups

Sanskar - stop it shona  Jaan

Both hugs each other..ruhaan looks at them ..Ragini looks at him and then at swasan


Ruhaan is lost in swasan moment he is imagining himself instead of sanskar ...Ragini calls him loudly

Ruhaan-what Ragini there is nothing to discuss my bua dadi brought knowledge without my knowledge


Swasan come to them
Ragini-what u consider about urself its my heart not any toy which u are playing

Ruhaan-still I heard everything thought u were hurt not any more...

Ragini-why can't u give a chance to our relationship...

Sanskar - calm down Ragini u can't force him

Ragini - i doesn't force is but he got alliance which I am accepting

Ragini call her maa and said yes

Sanskar-what are u doing Ragini ..u are making fun of ur life

Ragini - no why always i have to compromise not this time

Ruhaan-u have started this game again so okay

Ruhaan calls his bua and he too agree for marriage..trio were shocked


Ruhaan-u don't want to back off so don't...u want to marry me okay let get married but before it gets know one thing I love someone else madly deeply by knowing she will never be mine still I love her like mad ...every second every mint my love is increasing

Ruhaan-u will become my wife u will only get hate only but my love is for her only

Sanskar -what the hell are u talking about ruhaan

Ragini-i will kill that bitch

Ruhaan holds her neck Ragini start suffocating sanskar some how seprate them

Ruhaan - say what u wanted to say to me not on my love my love is my junoon

Ruhaan goes from there sanskar looks at swara who is having shake as nothing happened

Sanskar-swara this much happened u are having juice


Sanskar-heartless..come Ragini

In thakur mansion

Swara tell whatever happened..

Janaki - what...Ragini is going to spoil her life..

Dayal-both are behaving immature  both of them putting there life in trouble..swara u should have made Ragini understand

Voice-to whom u are saying...we was enjoying her shake

Janaki - sanskar

Sanskar- i am sorry aunty but ur daughter is selfish she only think about herself

Swara-selfish u think i am selfish

Swara - in all 5 season what I got to become kind I became drum for all(thinks)

Sanskar-this much happened did u said a word to console her..leave yesterday what happened today u were enjoying ur shake

Swara-sanskar they both are adults not kids they taken there life decision what can I do

Sanskar-really swara.. actually u don't care of Ragini's life spoils

Swara-yeah I don't care my world is small were i care for our parents and u other than that I don't care

Sanskar-really Ragini is ur nothing ..she is ur sister they are ur family damm it

Swara-sanskar I am not like swara of swaragini serial where she care for others then in return get nothing and cry only

Sanskar-if u want then also u can't become like her she was the pillar who joint the family..u will be the one left first

Swara-just shut up

Janaki - quite both of u swara u can atleast talk to Ragini make her understand

Swara-mom doesn't she knows what will be consequences ruhaan clearly told her he don't love her from this marriage she will only get hate

Sanskar-aunty u are wasting ur time she won't understand if this matter was effecting her life then u had seen her tigeress form but here matter of Ragini

Janaki - she is also my child i won't let her to destroy her life ..come Dayal we should go there

Swara-mom don't u have any other work last tym remember how mami treated u

Janaki - she has the right she is my bhabhi and that tym it was her daughter life changing matter is there

Dayal-swara happy family doesn't create from one or two person happy ..u won't understand

They goes
Swara-what so ever ....but one thing is odd ruhaan said u wanted to start this game again...what he mean by again ...from starting i feels like I have seen him before

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now