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In thakur mansion

Swara and janaki is having dinner

Swara-mom next month if everything goes according to plan I can expand my restuarant and I can get 5 star hotel tag

Janaki - i heard about sujata her condition is very bad

Swara-so what she is paying for her karma

Janaki - swara

Swara-mom leave that lady and focus on ur daughter

Dayal comes with director and his wife

Dayal-he told me everything

Swara-after a long time i saw u please have seat my mom works paneer masala so well

Director - sujata

Swara-so good to see hear like this

Janaki - what's happening dayal u tell me

Dayal tell everything till sanskar uttu ram also came ..a discussion started all were saying to forgive sujata so on

Swara-wao she did wrong and u all portraits we criminal

Sanskar-please i beg u

Swara-then beg ...what only dailog no action

Janaki - swaraa what are you doing.. can't u see his condition

Dayal-swara don't forget humanity

Sangeeta -jiji's condition is not at all good

Ragini-swara how can you be inhuman by knowingly u stay silent

Ram-please swara

Dayal-please come with me to sujata ji no more arguments

In mm

Ramta room

Swara goes in with sanskar and janaki rest were in hall ...swara comes in sujata is sitting by seeing her

Sujata-sorry sorry ...sanskar ...don't leave me don't leave me

Sanskar-i won't leave u maa

Sujata - i did wrong all will leave me

Janaki - no sujata..swara why are u standing like statue...tell her u forgiven her

Sujata - u all go i will apologies to her go go

Sanskar-maa maa

Sujata drag them out

Janaki - swara please

Sujata close the door
Sujatha - i am sorry I did wrong with u after u go I lost my peace .

Sujata stops and started laughing
Sujata - what ...i also do acting so well .. because of u I lost brother look knowing my truth all have sympathy with me And u become bad


Sujata - no one will remember my sin but u will become stone hearted

Swara laugh
Swara-sujata I was medical student psychologist ..i previously know u are acting ..and i know this condition will come that why I always carry this button camera

Sujata -you are lying  ..u can't do anything

Sujata comes to her but holds her paam and twist it and push her ..sujata falls down swara sit next to her

Swara-that knight left u and said big big dailog because I saw keshav ji ...he said right i have killed that morons he only declared me drug addict so on to help me.and if i kill u he will arrest me

Sujata  get up u

Sujata -you are lying u cant do anything.. listen u

Her words left incomplete as get slap from swara..swara's eyes were red in anger she hold her hairs ..sujata screams

Swara-u are acting to be mad i am a psyco  ...u given me opportunity to take my revenge

Sujata - sanskar sanskar ram ram

Swara gives her four five slaps

Swara-maa maa save me papa

Sujata is getting scared
Swara holds her and inject something

Sujata - what is it

Swara-medicine for ur madness

Swara injured herself till sanskar break the door

Swara-she is mad .. maaa

She hugs janaki ..she hurt me
Sujata - she is playing game she wants snatch my family i will kill u


Dayal comes in between
Dayal-mrs maheshwari lost her mental balance ..she need treatment

Sanskar-maa calm down

Swara-i won't come for her anymore she doesn't need my apology she need shock

Sanskar-swara my mom is not mad

Swara-normal people doesn't behave like her ..she is dangerous tie her with chain

Sanskar - shut up get lost

Swara-u called Me here for this mad lady

Janaki - swara comes with me

Outside thakur mansion

Swara-muskan today free desert to all and u all can close restuarant early ..bye

Swara turn she see janaki
Janaki - treat for Sujata ji condition

Swara-off course i am very very very happy...that family only given me pain know it's there turn ....did u say that bitch condition i enjoyed it

Janaki - what happened to you swara ..i am getting scared of u can u be like this

Swara-that lady that bitch made me like this ..this swara will not forgive her enemy I want see her more painful condition i am so happy mom i getting peace

Janaki - swara

Swara-i have given a treat let me enjoy..hey godd give shock treatment too that bitch ...or while going to hospital her accident happen in that she lose her on leg

Janaki is shocked to see her daughter like this

Swara-mom bye u enjoy

Dayal janaki room

Dayal-janaki u know sujata ji condition was worsen today her mental we was strange for calming her ..we had to give electric shock

Janaki was thinking about swara her behaviour..Dayal see her

Dayal-janaki where are you lost I was talking to u

Janaki - nothing ji

Dayal - what are u hiding from me

Janaki - nothing i will bring something to eat


Red Street

Swara-take this photo u have to through ur magic on him..

Lady- don't he look old

Swara-baby he is old but he has lots gold

Lady-sure madam

Swara-if u get caught dare u take my name

Lady-no madam

Swara-if u do so ur son remember na

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now