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Swara sanskar having quality time on his terrace they were having tea

Sanskar-jaan today I saw my colleague buying red roses for his gf i thought to buy but traffic light turn green

Swara-if u try these cheese trick on me my knee will land on ur back ...don't try chomu type things on me

Sanskar-how unromantic u are

Swara-now u have to bear it are beautiful when it is in plant

Sanskar-girlfriends expect chocolate teddy bear

Swara-jaan ur girlfriend is desi i like Pani Puri.,,...from childhood teddy bears were my punching bag

Sanskar-what about i decorate whole terrace with rose petals candles romantic date

Swara-too filmy it's headache later to Clean ...rose petals candles decoration doesn't create beautiful moments...where there is love and excitement to spend sometime with our love will automatically make everything beautiful

Sanskar-oh my Jaan

Swara- ohk ..i should go it's already late

Sanskar - i will drop u

Swara-it's okay i have brought my car

They hugs eachother
Sanskar-drive safe me after u reach

Swara-sure Jaan

Swara driving to her home mid she gets call from janaki that Parvati is not well she drive to gd mansion but there parking is little away

Swara comes out she dash with someone his laugage falls he too falls

Swara-I am extremely sorry it's mistake

She help to take the laugage ..
Swara-ruhaan u

Ruhaan - morning that girl know u both of u got me only

Swara - i am extremely sorry..i don't done intensionally...u are hand is bleeding

Ruhaan - it's okay

Swara-no no it's bleeding wait i have first aid kit

Ruhaan-I said it's okay

Swara-look i know u are angry but ur paam is bleeding lot

Ruhaan pull her to him
Ruhaan-i will not die

He pin her to her car
Ruhaan-dard ka Mera purana natha hai ..hamare bichme aane ki koshish math karna

Swara-what are u doing ruhaan leave me

Ruhaan leave her ..swara give him tight slap
Swara-I asked u due to courtesy...hell about u and ur pain ..i have zero percent interest ..bloody cheapo

Ruhaan-how dare u to call me cheap

Swara-u doesn't seem my dare till know..

Ruhaan-then show me what you can do

Swara-are u in ur senses

Swara smells alcohol
Swara-he is drunk ...look u go ur way I go my way

Swara goes forward but hear falling sound she turn and see ruhaan fallen down
Swara-yrrr where am I stuck

Swara try to get him up ..then try to check his phone but it's locked ...swara get phone from janaki that Parvati is fine she and Dayal will stay in gd tonight...swara said she was on the way she will be in thakur mansion

Swara-what should I do know...leave him here .. he is already bleeding...sanskar i should call him ...dam my phone charge finished

Swara with difficulty take him to her car by hiding she took him to dida's house ..Dida is not there ..she given him first aid ...she charge her phone and called Ragini

Ragini comes
Ragini-he from where u got him

Swara-long story ..rago he is drunk
( She told about the small accident)

Ragini bring food for her ..they had there dinner they sleep there only morning ruhaan open his eyes and see Ragini sitting near by chair and swara sleep on recliner...he sit


Ragini swara gets up
Swara-who pinch whom


Swara-auchh sound


Ragini-u go without anyone notice's my dida's house

Ruhaan- i have to say it ..i am new tenant here miss Chik Chik..

He try to get up as he take support from his paam he his in pain Ragini to support him ..she falls on him they both lost in eachother

Swara - rago

Ragini gets up and help him to get up
Ragini-swara let's go ...


Ruhaan-thanks both of u

Ragini-it's okay

Swara-Ragini my car is in parking i will go there directly

Ragini-swara ur dress has blood stain

Swara-it's okay ...if Nani see us here with him ...she will make both of us marriage soon

Ragini - come

They goes ruhaan get Ragini's payal

In parking
Swara sit inside her car

Swara-do I tell what happened with me yesterday..or i should let it go..he was drunk

Swara-but the way he behaved I slap him ...i should tell dad no he will create a scene...or sanskar he will also behave same ...what should I do

Swara's phone rings
Swara-yeah sanskar ...

Sanskar-what happened why are u stressed

Swara-who told i am not in stress

Sanskar -swara u know u can't lie to me then why u are trying tell me what happened

Swara-actually sanskar ..i will tell u ..when we meet

Sanskar-are u sure

Swara-definitely...sanskar baby

Sanskar-okay luv u

Swara - luv u too..

Call ends
Swara-should i drag the matter

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now