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Urvashi - ruhaan i am not ur mother but I raised u i know u more than u know urself...u agreed to marry my daughter kavita because of sentiment u had for me..she was pregnant by her bf who left her...

Ruhaan-but we had a relation I was going to get a family

Urvashi - keep ur paam on my head and sware ur revenge is more than ur love


Urvashi - u can't because ur love is not more than ur love  ....

Ruhaan-swara made me forget everything my revenge everything

Urvashi - ruhaan u forget everything I came na ..u go and change

Ruhaan goes
Urvashi - Ragini sanskar know game has began i will show u hell ...swara because of u ruhaan forget everything i will not let u forget anything...

Urvashi - i have came ...ruhaan u want or not i will take revenge through u


Swara - what I said cancel the meeting i am not what the project is of 400crore ..don't forget i am ur Boss not u

Call ends

Swara-what's happening i can't concentrate anywhere

Sanskar call came to her
Sanskar-swara baby

Swara-what sanskar jaan

Sanskar-what's the matter why are u cancelling meeting is important

Swara - sanskar i am not in mood

Sanskar-swara ruhaan bua came to gd mansion and asked Ragini's hand for ruhaan

Swara-what ... yesterday only he rejected Ragini

Sanskar - in morning his bua came she like Ragini for him she gets to know about her liking so she brought alliance

Swara-what Ragini told

Sanskar-she told she wanted to meet him then she will answer ..she called us too

Swara-sanskar keep me out of it

Sanskar - i also denied but she requested me ..from childhood we both were therefore eachother..please forgive me come na

Swara-i will see


Swara- sanskar look she is ur friend but u can't always be with her I don't have problem but what if her partner have in decision like this

Sanskar-swara I know I am not going to interfere i will drop her and sit seprate that's why I called you...never mind bye

Call ends
Swara-this ruhaan has effected my mind badly

In hotel

Swara came as there was a meeting after finishing it when she was in lobby ruhaan came in front

Ruhaan-swara...I came to meet my client

Swara-do I ask u's ur life ur wish ..u marry her or somebody else i don't give a dam

In ruhaan house

Urvashi- i thought swara will come after hearing this proposal

Voice-she won't she may be heroine of this story but a features of a villain..untill it effect her life if anyone die also she doesn't care

untill it effect her life if anyone die also she doesn't care

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Urvashi- seerat ,...what coincidence u want revenge from sanskar me from Ragini
Seerat - he insulted me infront of all .he rejected my love infront of all he has to pay for it

Urvashi -u wanted sanskar

Seerat - I want to snatch his love from him

Ruhaan-swara why are u behaving like this with me

Swara-ruhaan what u expect from me like t.v serial will question u .. request u to move on cry infront of u..or say accept Ragini so on ... Ruhaan u love me it's ur problem not mine ...ur bua brought alliance for u is not my concern Ragini agree or not it her decision


Swara - all the best

Ruhaan smiles painfully

Ruhaan-when all left u when u needed them badly u learned to live alone then it doesn't matter someone  with u or not ...


Ruhaan-i know how u become like this

Swara goes from there

In gd mansion

Dadi called a priest to look at the kundali of Ragini and ruhaan swara sanskar

Mf also came
Priest - four kundali having bad time .. Ragini's Shani dasa is starting she should be very careful he and ruhaan kundali has 15 %match .. sanskar similarly his time is also bad there is heartbreak can also happen it's very bad time for him but his marriage yog is not in this yr

Priest- there enemies were surrounded them they have to be very careful or they loose everything

Urvashi get happy inside
Urvashi-what about ruhaan swara

Priest-he is surrounded by odd but his good time is coming...and about swara     she has death yog and marriage yog ...

All shocks urvashi smirk

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now