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Swara-where is my family...

Swara turn to go inside but shock to see Neil...

Swara-now he is only remaining...before he see swara

Swara turn to go but he saw her
Neil-swara ..u here

Swara-ha ..u too here I heard broken aashiq broke tie with good

Neil-u don't think before saying na

Swara - true I heard it

Neil - yeah I broken tie with him ...but I am going to start new so mom send me here to take blessings and u

Swara-my birthday

Niel - oh i am sorry happy birthday

Swara-thank u so much

Niel-so let's go in

Swara- u carry on i will join u later ...


He goes she calls sai
Swara-where are u's almost 2 hrs i am waiting....what u take half an hour more ...oh ho u are in one thing take u turn and go ...i will meet u in home ..

Swara call ends
Swara - before any other problems come i should go

Niel-swara let's go

Swara-sure ...

Both took aarti ..pandit ji give Prasad to them ..they take his blessings

Niel-swara i have something for u

Swara-what is it

Niel takes out a bangle

Swara- i can't take it's looking expensive

Niel- swara today is ur birthday,...and it is not costly by its design it's looking expensive

Swara- but

Niel make her wear it
Niel- i purchased it from my first salary but it doesn't fit in her hand..swara infront of God ...i am saying u i couldn't able to forget her complete but I want to move on i promise u on this relationship i will always respect ur decision in every phase of life i will be therefore u


Niel- i know u said yes by knowing everything


Niel takes a round around idol and came to swara

Niel- from today onwards i will not look at past

He takes  round again
Niel- from today u are my present and future

After every promise he takes round
Niel- ur respect is mine from today whatever the situation comes i will keep ur respect I will not let it down infront of anyone

Niel- i will not force u for anything ur  opinion will equally important for me

Niel- if u think u can't stay with me u have full rights to leave me

Niel- i will not come between ur dreams

Niel -i will never cheat u i would prefer to die before doing such things

Swara is standing in shock
Niel- but I want to hear yes from u

Swara is standing clueless when is going to say something... someone called her..swara turn by saying

Swara- haaa

Niel- thank u so much swara ..don't worry marriage decision we will take after spending time together okay

Swara looks at niel in shock
Swara- niel listen to me

Niel- if u want to tell about ur past i am not interested..

Swara- no no actual na

Niel phone rings he attended it after attending
Niel- okay I am coming..
Call ends

Niel- swara it's very urgent can we talk later

Swara- sure

Niel-bye see u

He goes swara hit her forehead and sit down..
Pallavi - swara what are u doing get up

Swara- sell ur car and purchase a cycle Anna it will ride faster

Sai- why are u so angry

Swara- from 3 hrs i am waiting here i am not angry i am hungry

Sanskar-swara it's ur birthday

Swara- if u also start na i will faint here itself

Sanskar- cool down...i know when u get hungry u become angry lioness that why I brought chocolate for u ...happy birthday

Swara - thank u ..

Trio- - happy birthday...

Sanskar- it's for u

Swara- earings...thank u

Sanskar- your welcome..let's pray to god

He infront of idol
Sanskar- thank u God for giving chance

Sanskar- let's make this relationship together with our understanding and respect and love ..swara

Swara- sanskar

Sanskar- we will start courtship from tomorrow today is your birthday let's enjoy..

Sai pallavi ronak come
Swara - let's go home i am very hungry

Sai- yeah ur wish our command

Ronak niwas

Swara's room
She tell everything to kazim
Kazim- swara what we will do

Swara- i don't know yrr trio is serious.. niel if he gets to know about the lie he won't trust anyone again

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now