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Swara- yrr this old people messed up everything

Swara-this ansh ..

At that time Dayal and janaki came seeing them swara

Janaki - swara give me a call when ansh no. I wanted to talk to him

Swara- kamla kaki  i am in room bring my dinner there

Dayal-swara we are talking to u

Swara-what u both want to talk dad ...about ansh ..ansh... U both eeh u both messed up everything

At time Sai came

Swara-hey what a pleasant surprise come have  a seat ...oh mom dad he is a director com actor Sai kethan

Sai-namaste aunty uncle ..swara I need to talk to u it's urgent

Swara-okay come

Both goes out
Swara-what happened

Sai-ansh character...u remember we both did audition for raja mouli movie and u are selected as second lead hero' s brother with ram Charan

Swara-what ...look Sai it's dangerous it's big movie we can be caught...

Sai-swara this news is spread in media everywhere now

Swara-look bringing ansh will increase the thread Sai

Sai-okay let's celebrate my selection for nominations for upcoming director

Swara-let's call uttu

Sai-she is on the way

2 days leap

Still fight is going on between janaki and sumi ...swara reconcile with sujata they are in good terms ..but everywhere ansh missing news is spread ..

As some one came to ansh bunglow they see complete bunglow is messed up and blood is found.. everyone in dought something happened with investigation started

Swara-oh Teri

Uttra-swara now be ready to shift in jail

Swara-fraud or murder

Uttra-ansh is u na

Swara-but that proof i have burned 3days before

Uttra- eeehhh why are you in so much hurry..i have some clothes and something in studio

Swara-whatever happens don't go near studio and ansh mansion u were his designer and he is your model com normal friend.  .. and mine x

Uttra-why x

Swara-because it will come on me only .. police may call u today or tomorrow

Uttra-sai message came ... police called him for enquiry

Swara-now ...

Uttra-he told him last on audition day

Swara-uttu we are in big mess be careful

Sanskar and Ragini came they told about police enquiry...

Sanskar-Ragini become prime suspect..uttu swara if u know anything please tell

Swara-who told her to call him continuously

Ragini-i just wanted to clarify thing as our family is at odd know only he make everything correct

Sanskar - how u know she called him

Swara-how I know ...woh

Uttra-I told her actually when she was calling her I was with him

Swara turn and hit her forehead..
Sanskar-what were u doing with him at 9 pm

Uttra-i wanted to make him my model again he was dropping me to home

Sanskar-know u three are in one place so answer me who is his gf

Swara-what ...from where this gf matter came

Sanskar-it will come answer me ,...uttra tell it's u or swara

Swara-i will die single only(thinks)

Swara-sanskar actually ansh ..ansh gf is

Uttra-kavita rao

Trio- what

At that time Ragini's phone rings it's from media he is irritating her in frustration

Ragini - his gf is kavita rao

Call ends swara uttu shocks

Sanskar-this matter is serious girls i am feeling u all are hiding something so better say it know...

Swara phone rings it's from shekhar
Swara-i have to go in my restaurant something happened..we all will meet tomorrow

Sanskar - at my farm house


Swara meet shekhar ..swara told everything

Shekhar - uttra why u took that girl name

Uttra-she has crush on ansh that's why

Swara-uttra thing became complicated why u told u were with me at 9.00 according to police ansh went missing from 9.30

Uttra -bhai mint...hello Bhai what happened

Sanskar-look at news channel

Uttra-what happened,..ok I am seeing

She open it in phone where kavita rao murder news is telecasting and Ragini saying about her being ansh gf

Shekhar - swara u have to tell the truth

Swara-really I saw and all will believe that matter has gone to far now ...

Shekhar - why Ragini told this news to media

Swara-this is because of this uttu ..till know kidnapping man missing case know murder ...we  four definitely goes in jail

Shekhar - 4

Swara- me uttu Ragini and u

Shekhar - why me

Swara - if I get caught i will put everything on u

Uttra-and who created ansh it u

Swara-look before police catch us for ansh we have to sort kavita murder case

Shekhar - how ..if we go police suspect us

Uttra-in this we have to involve Ragini and Bhai ...

Swara-yeah why they be free we will together win or fall

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now