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2 months leap
Sujata is really a changed person..swara worked in one movie as ansh ...her restuarant became 5 star

In gd mansion

Shekhar-ragini as u settled I want u to settle in life also ..

Ragini-I didn't understand

Dadi- what's there u don't understand we want u should get married and settle

Ragini - what's so hurry

Dadi-what so hurry it's one year u are dating laksh

Shekhar-ragini okay atleast we should do engagement

Ragini - maa u tell na dad to not to hurry

Sumi-Ragini he is not in hurry u are slow

In Dayal mansion

Dayal-janaki trust me someone is there in swara's life ..once I called her someone pick her call

Janaki -so what she must be busy

Dayal-no janu i have seen male gift in her room ...she talk late night to someone

Janaki - u are thinking unnecessary

Dayal-did u say male bracelet and male perfume from her dress

Janaki - i won't ask her first u prove me

Dayal-okay i will prove u see.


Fashion show

As usual swara turn ansh for uttra and they won also..

Swara is going towards green room feels someone is following her ..swara get inside before closing the door a person holds the door ...

(Her condition is not good by seeing her anyone can say she was crying for long)

Ragini-ansh can i come inside

Ansh- come

Ragini-ansh woh ...sanskar is out of town after him I trust u ....i know we don't know eachother much ..but u bring lots of changes in my life

Ansh-ragini what's the matter what happened u are scaring me

Ragini tell about her engagement matter and argument with dadi

Ragini-laksh ...i don't want to marry him

Ansh-do u love someone else Ragini

Ragini-its not matters ansh...laksh is pervert..he try to manhandle me ..he ask nude pics of mine family doesn't believe me when I said he beat me my dadi and parents said I have did something wrong that's why

Ragini cries badly tell about her pain
Swara shocks by hearing her

Swara-then what u decided

Ragini-if i have to marry him I will kill myself I said this to u because someone should know the truth

Swara-that's why I don't like u  ...why will u die Ragini it's life very precious thing ....tell ur problem to ur mom if they believe okay if not deny to marry no one can force u marry him

Ragini-u don't know about my dadi

Swara-ragini when u decided to die then there is nothing to loose then fight for urself...say no rest u leave on kanha ...give a try may be u win


Swara-men can be physically strong but when women stand infront of him  to fight back

Her words remain incomplete uttra came to call her swara open the door


Swara-she came to congratulate me (she sign uttra not to ask)u go i am coming

Swara - Ragini u are the creator of ur story think how u want to write it best of luck

Swara also goes after sometimes Ragini also going but laksh comes from nowhere

Laksh-so u here let's enjoy together..but what's this dress try hot one

Ragini-stay away from me

Laksh holds her hand and twist on her back and pin her to wall ...he holds her chin and kiss her ..Ragini is trying to resist tears were flowing from her eyes..but uttra and swara  came and see it ..uttra takes there pick then.they both pull him back and push him down...Ragini is crying badly..swara uttra kick him ...some spot boys came they also join ...uttra call police

Swara comes to Ragini
Swara-Ragini don't u want punish this creep who wants to play with ur dignity....Ragini don't be scared of him ..

Everyone cheers her Ragini with her sandal beat him ..till police came and arrest him

Swara-Ragini this society is filled with ravan no one will come to save u ...u have to fight for urself

Ragini is crying badly...uttra try to make her calm down her ..she is not listening to them

Swara-will u shut up Ragini ...can't u understand by crying u will get nothing

Ragini-u don't know what is dignity for a girl it feels when someone try to touch u without permission

Swara-oh please i don't know about others but u are responsible for ur own condition...when first time laksh misbehaved that itself u took action against him doesn't have guts to touch u again..ur silence made him strong

Uttra-if wrong happens with u stop it there itself .

Swara-come we will drop u

In gd mansion

When they come in dp's family is present there

AP - if u don't want to marry...u have  denied we never forced u but u did is very wrong

Dp - quietly withdraw the case or

Shekhar-dp ji please..u are talking to my daughter

Dadi-its all because of this guy u wanted to marry him na

Ragini-dadi listen to me ..laksh

Dadi slap her hard
Dadi-tomorrow u are going to take back the case and tomorrow itself ur marriage happens and u get out ..u only made her mad like this

Swara-u are correct Ragini..u have died by seeing her I agree with u ....since u put all blame on me let me show u something

Swara shows today cctv footage to all get shocks
Uttra-it's not first time he does it bade papa

Dp's family doesn't have words to say they goes .. emotional drama continues

(Only shekhar knows swara's reality)
Shekhar -sw.... ansh thank u ...thank u so much

Swara-uncle more than this what is wrong is u all ..she has big family... but this stupid girl came to a stranger at strange place at odd time .....u know what to do more than me


Swara-ragini u did also wrong at 1am u where searching for a stranger if anything happens to u then... Come uttra

They goes
Ragini-why he is like this (thinks)

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now