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I never thought i'd measure my life in days, for example, today wasn't Wednesday it was "day 37". That is how I measured my life since I started working for Kakashi, our relationship has not gotten any better. In some ways it's gotten worse, now we know a little more about each other and if this is how it is to live with a man? I'd gladly pass.

What frustrated me the most was the moments his mask of indifference would slip and I'd get a glimpse of the gooey center he has buried. He was still an ass but when it was late and our brains were fried he was calmer, complacent and sweet. Ordering food before my stomach could remind me to eat, doing things I forgot to do and not mentioning it, letting out a compliment once in a while. It was so frustrating because I was like a dog when it came to those moments. I wanted, no needed more. I became addicted to cracking his hard shell, it was subconscious at this point. For all our differences, we worked extremely well together, we could communicate without words, knew what the either one wanted. We were a well oiled machine until one of us opened our mouths.

I walked around his living room with a grimace on my face. Honestly how can a man who demands files to be alphabetical order, paperwork filed by priority and all email subjects to be bold and in capitals live like this? There were plates stacked in the kitchen sink, trash was overflowing and he had notes, paperwork and journals scattered around his coffee and dining table. I needed to stop expecting the stories about him to be true because Naruto and Sakura stated his home was borderline OCD clean, not this shit.

I sighed, when Kakashi told me to meet me at his place before we headed to a meeting in the Intelligence Division building, I'd agree. I regret it now because my fingers were twitching to clean up. After 10 minutes of standing around, I let out a small groan and started cleaning. I drew the line at his clothes, choosing to kick them into a pile near his couch but I cleaned everything else. It only took me about 10 minutes so it wasn't too bad. By the end, I smiled and took a seat; I found a copy of Jiraiya's book and smirked, 'ahh so he really was a perv'. I yelled out his name to hurry him up and started reading.

"Damn it, y/n. I told you i'd be ready at 10:30, why are you rushing me?" I looked up to see his angry face, I smiled and said "Well Hokage-Sama, as of right now it is 10:52 and I got here at 10:30 per your request. Although, i'm okay now so if you-"

"WHAT ARE YOU READING?!" He interrupted me, the tops of his cheeks were pink and his eyes wide.

I gave him an innocent smile and pointed to the book, "Oh this? I found it on your coffee table and was bored" I shrugged. "Thought i'd see what kind of books you like to read." Right as I finished my sentence he grabbed the book and held it behind his back. The sight of him so nervous filled me with glee, I'd much rather have this Kakashi than his normal surly self.

He cleared his throat and nodded, "Well thank you for cleaning, it was unnecessary but I am thankful. Just.. please.. My personal property is off limits." He tried to make his voice hard but failed miserably, I decided to lay off.

I stood and nodded. "Of course, sorry if I overstepped."

He rubbed a hand over his neck and shook his head "Ahh no, I'm sorry I took my time. I meant to clean yesterday but I was exhausted when I got home."

"No need to explain, Hokage-Sama. I understand, are you ready now?"

"Yes, let's go" He placed the book on table beside the door and locked up. We walked towards the building, nothing but comfortable silence between us with the occasional "Hi" from a villager. I turned towards him with a small smile, "By the way, I enjoy Jiraiya-Sama's books as well." I let out a laugh when he sputtered a reply.

"Brat.." he muttered with a small smile I could see through his mask.

When we arrived at the building and was welcome by Ibiki, he explained the situation.

"He's a rouge ninja, originally from the Hidden Mist Village but since the end of the war, he has been instigating trouble." He told us.

"What kind of trouble?" Kakashi voiced my question.

"An uprising, I guess you could call it. He's one of the Shinobi that believe staying in the Infinite Tsukuyomi would have been better." he shook his head, dripping in disbelief.

My brows raised, "Better? Did they not know that it would have slowly killed us?"

"Apparently, that would have been better than living in reality" Kakashi drawled with a sigh.

"He refused to talk, Ino is with him now trying to navigate his mind but they knew they'd be interrogated so they had contingencies in place."

When we entered the room, the ninja's eyes widened; not at Kakashi but at me, he scoffed causing my brow to rise. "I see you brought the devil of the battlefield when this beauty couldn't break me" he sneered.

I felt everyone's eyes on me when I replied smoothly, "I have no idea what you mean. You may have gotten me mixed up with someone else."

When Kakashi's eyes faced the prisoner, Ino held mines for a few seconds to let me know she understood. She knew my real identity; she found out from her father before he died, he told her that I could be trusted; I hope she chooses to listen to him.  I could feel Ibiki's gaze at the side of my face, when I looked at him he nodded slightly, it made sense that he knew too.

"I could never forget you. Never forget those eyes, the way you practically wiped out an entire army of those plant fucks by yourself." his eyes were hard, I was tempted to place him under a genjutsu but it was too risky.

"My role, as well as everyone else on the battlefield was to protect our Shinobi. The fact that you are alive today, shows that we did it." I said evenly, my eyes flickered slightly in warning.

He paled, probably remembering what I had to do out there to protect my fellow Ninja's. He recovered fast but I doubt everyone in this room missed it.

"You won't get any answers from me! Kill me for all I care!" he screamed while pulling at his restraints.

When Ino calmed him, she asked if she could have the room. We all nodded and I took a full silent breath, knowing what was coming.

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