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The first thing I woke up to was a bright light and a loud "Idiot!" which caused me to wince. The second thing was a loud sob and arms encasing me which caused a grunt.

"I'm so glad you're okay.." The voice said and I cracked open an eye, seeing blond hair.

"Tsunade?" I asked, voice groggy.

She let out a gasp and placed a straw in my mouth, I drank the water and almost moaned with how refreshing it was.

"What happened?"

"What do you remember?" She asked softly.

"I—" I paused before my brows furrowed and my hands clenched. "Orochumaru." I ground out. "What did he do?"

"Triggered something, we don't know what. Although i'm sure we'll find out soon."

"Why?" I asked and she gave me a sinister smile.

"Kakashi is 'interrogating' him right now." At the sound of his name, I tensed.

"Tell him not to bother, i'm not his problem."

"Y/N.." She started and I shook my head.

"No. Don't do that.. What he did was wrong Tsunade, even if he didn't read the scroll.. he didn't trust me."

She let out a loud sigh. "I know that. I still think you should hear him out though."

I groaned. "Why?"

"Other than you would need closure? You're also both bound by a 1 year contract." She stated and I froze.

"Fuuuuuck." I pouted. "I forgot about that.."

She snickered. "Figured you might have."

I let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll hear him out but only once." I pointed at her. "No meddling, Tsunade. I'm serious." She lifted her hands and gave me a evil smile. "I know, I know." I narrowed my gaze and her before shaking my head.

"Get some rest, you'll be discharged later." She said and I nodded and closed my eyes.

I don't know how much time passed but Sakura was waking me up and letting me know I was discharged with a smile. It was amazing how I was relatively okay since I released so much power, I didn't know I had stored; Tsunade and Sakura did wonders to my body when it came to healing it as quickly as possible. We entered my apartment and Tsunade sat at my dining table with food and drinks with a giant smile on her face.

I paused and narrowed my eyes before letting out a sigh. "You tested me, didn't you.."

"Yes!" Her smile got even bigger. "We're related!!" She ran up and hauled me into a hug, pulling a groan from me. "Tsunade-Sama! She still recovering." Sakura scolded and Tsunade waved her off.

"Oh, please. She's a Senju, her healing powers is on par with me." She smirked and I murmured. "Yeah but you're freakishly strong."

She snickered and lead me to the table making me sit while she stayed standing, I raised a brow. "You're not joining me?" She shook her head and looked slightly nervous. "First things first." She pointed at my front door where Kakashi stood, sheepishly rubbing his hands together.

1 Year (Kakashi x reader - Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now