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My stomach growled loudly halfway through the Kage meeting and I wanted to punch the stupid smirk off of Kakashi's face. Needless to say, we never ate after our shower; the man's stamina is no joke. I have no idea what I am doing, I keep thinking something will trigger asshole Kakashi to come forth and i'm paranoid.

"Why don't we take a short break?" He spoke to the other Kage and they agreed. While walking out of the room, his finger slowly stroked the inside of my wrist and I pulled my hand away with a glare.

"Knock it off, Hatake. I'm hungry" I whispered angrily and he responded with a quiet laugh.

"You should have ate when I invited you to breakfast, not act like a brat."

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the small cafe in the hotel lobby, after scarfing down half my sandwich, I looked at him.

"How long is the break?" I took another bite, regretting only buying one.

"We have about 20 more minutes left, why? Want to have a quicky?" He smirked and I shook my head while pointing a finger at him.

"No and don't you dare try anything, i'm sore.." I whispered the last part and the bastard seemed smug.

"Okay, no trying anything... yet" he said then placed a finger on his chin. "But we do still need to talk y/n."

One brow raised. "About?" I questioned.

"This." He gestured between us and my brows furrowed, not really looking forward to this conversation but nodding anyway. 15 minutes we were making our way back to the conference room.

"So what is this meeting really about, Kakashi?" Gaara asked and I smiled, the emotional-less young Kage was always so entertaining.

"I am aware you all received my message about a group of Shinobi who disagree with how the war ended?" He asked and everyone nodded.

"It's no longer just a mentality, they're getting cocky, we were attacked on our way here."

"What?!" The Raikage yelled with a fist slamming into the desk.

"I was too." Gaara responded and our heads whipped to him.

"I was able to capture one, he is currently being shipped to Konoha." He told us. "Naruto is personally escorting him. Did you not capture one?"

"No. Unfortunately, none of the men who attacked us survived." Kakashi gritted with his fists clenched and I subconsciously took a small step closer to him.

"Interesting" Gaara said, knowing eyes flickering back and forth between Kakashi and I.

"I will keep you all posted when Naruto delivers the man to Ino. Regarding this issue, I would like permission from each of you to send a team to do recon in your villages with the help of your Shinobi." Kakashi said after taking a calming breath.

All around, heads nodded and the meeting was adjourned, after meeting individually with each Kage to discuss who and when,we had a timeline ready. I purposely left Gaara last, not wanting to answer questions he'll ultimately have.

"Y/N" Gaara said when I sat down.

"Kazekage-Sama" I nodded my head and he let out a small smile.

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