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"What the fuck.." I murmured to myself while I sat on the ground, my head still in my hands. I barely slept last night, my mind running a million miles per minute and the cuffs definitely did not help. "God.. What am I going to do?" I let out a sigh and groaned.

The sound of the door breaking into pieces caused me to jump into a fighting stance. I relaxed slightly then tensed when I saw Tsunade standing in the hole in the wall. "Kakashi" She growled and I cursed. "Tsunade-Sama.. I can explain." I held my hands in front of me and pleaded with her.

"Then explain." I opened my mouth but was interrupted when she put all of her strength into a punch I barely was able to block. My back hit the wall and I went straight through it before crashing into the Hokage mountain. I groaned and coughed up some blood when she landed in front of me, her eyes crazy.

"Fuck.. Tsunade-Sama." I groaned out and she scoffed. "Suck it up, Kakashi. This is the bare minimum of what you deserve. I even gave you time to block it." She jutted her chin and looked down at me. "Now." She took a deep breath. "Explain."

I panted for a few seconds, trying to deal with the pain. "I didn't read the scroll.." She mumbled a 'fucking idiot' that I ignored. "I did just now though.. I didn't know Tsunade-Sama." I murmured. "If I did, I wouldn't have if I--"

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit, Kakashi." She scoffed. "Regardless if you did or not, you didn't trust her. You believed the word of a whore who doesn't deserve an ounce of your trust." She shook her head and I bowed mines.

"I fucked up.." I said and she huffed. "Don't start this whole pity party, it's unbecoming. The question is, what are you going to do about this?" She asked and I looked up at her. "I don't know how but I'll fix it." She stared at me for a few seconds before her shoulders dropped.

"Fix it?" She asked and I nodded. "And if she won't listen?" Her brow raised and I smiled softly. "I'll wait until she is.. I'm not going anywhere Tsunade-Sama. I may end up no longer being the Hokage because I won't stop." I chuckled mirthlessly. "Fuck..."

"Finally realized how you felt about her, huh? Took you long enough." She mumbled the last part and I nodded my head. "It won't be easy, Kakashi. If you think you may give up halfway through, leave her alone now."

"I can't.. Even if she doesn't want anything to do with me, I still want to fix this." I let out a large sigh. "I'd rather have her in my life in someway than not."

"She will need time, don't force her." She said seriously and I nodded. "I know, I won't--" I was interrupted when a large boom sounded in the distance. Clouds started forming and the wind picked up. I stood up quickly and looked past the training grounds where lighting was crackling.

"What the hell is that?" Tsunade exclaimed and pointed. I looked where she pointed and squinted, our eyes widened when we saw a Susanoo form and y/n's chakra was expanding. "Shit!" I yelled and took off in that direction with her next to me.

She growled and I looked towards her. "I'll be back." She made a sharp turn left and I picked up my speed towards y/n. When I landed near her, her head whipped to me and her Sharingan shined bright.

"Kakashi.." She gritted then closed her eyes. "Help... me..." Her voice cracked and she looked like she was struggling to reign in her chakra. "I don—, I don't know what's going on." She let out a scream of pain and I took a step forward. "No!" She screamed seconds before the arm of her susanoo came flying towards me.

"Y/N!" I yelled, she cradled her head in her hands; the Susanoo would waiver and shrink before expanding again. 'What is going on? Why can't she control it?' "Y/N!" I yelled again while trying to get closer. "No, no, no, no, no" She chanted. "Kakashi... please... go somewhere... safe.. please.." She begged and I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving you." I told her and blood tears started falling from her eyes. "Please" She begged again in a broken voice. Yamato, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke landed near me with their eyes wide. "Naruto!" Sasuke yelled and he nodded, together they wrapped Kurama in Sasuke's Susanoo and grabbed y/n's.

"No, no, no, no, no. Go!" She sobbed. "I--, I can't-- please!"

"Y/N!" I panicked, her voice was killing me and the guilt of what I have done made me rush towards her only to get pulled back by Yamato. "What are you doing?!" I gritted and he shook his head. "You can't help her! Do not get yourself killed, Hokage-Sama!" He yelled.

"I don't give a fuck about that! Let me go, Yamato." I demanded with a deathly calm tone, he shook his head. Suddenly she let out a scream of pure agony while dropping to her knees, releasing an insane amount of chakra. Yamato covered us in his wood jutsu while she blew away the surrounding landscape, her scream holding until her voice turned hoarse. Loud blows could be heard while the ground rumbled and shook until it became silent.

"Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto yelled and we exited, I widened my eyes seeing Naruto and Sasuke panting and bloody. Sasuke was kneeling on the ground, his side seeped in blood and Naruto was turning pale. I grabbed her before Naruto could collapse, "What happened?" I asked and he shook his head. "We had to use a tailed beast ball just to break her out of her Susanoo.." He panted. "I think she passed out due to the amount of power she was releasing.. she needs to be checked out.."

I nodded. "You all do, let Sakura look at you. I'll be at the hospital." He grunted and I took off, searching for where Tsunade disappeared to. I entered the hospital and right away everyone got to work, I stayed by her side while they checked her out until Tsunade arrived.

When she walked through the doors with her clothes torn with scuffs and blood covering her body, I raised a brow. "Orochimaru is locked in a cell waiting for us when she's out." She said while walking past me. I stood and followed her. "What do you mean? Why?" I asked.

"He's the reason she went berserk, he triggered something. I saw him when we were making our way there. He has her blood in his mouth." She growled and picked up my pace. "We'll find out the why later, I need to make sure she's okay." I nodded and we entered her room.

Tsunade gasped and my eyes widened, I walked around her and got into an Anbu's face. "Take the cuffs off her." My voice even.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-Sama. I—"

"Take the fucking cuffs off her." My tone had warned him and everyone else in this room to be very careful with how they proceed. When he didn't move, murderous intent started leaking from my pores while I tried to calm down.

"Kakashi.." Tsunade's voice pulled me back some. "Go to Orochimaru, take your anger out on him. You're not help here if this anger gets out of control." She whispered in my ear and I tensed.

"I know you don't want to leave her but get it out first."

I let out a harsh breath and nodded. "I'll be back later.."

"I'll be here." She looked around the room. "Everyone get out except for medical staff."

All unnecessary people started filing out and I looked at her, she gave me a reassuring nod and I left in search of something to kill.

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