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"What do you mean he left?" I asked Tsunade with wide eyes and walking past her into his office to confirm he was actually gone.

"See. He left." She responded when my shoulder slumped.

"Why?" I whispered, when she didn't respond I turned to look at her. She was wearing a sad expression and I realized why.

"I didn't sleep with him.." I told her and she gave me a tight smile. "But you didn't come home."

Instantly my anger overtook my sadness and I lashed out at her. "You're the reason I was even on that fucking date in the first place!" I heaved and she raised a brow.

"Do not give me that look, Tsunade because it's true! You set it up and you forced me to go!" I yelled and she chuckled.

"I didn't force you to do shit y/n so watch the fucking tone." She glared at me. "I set that up to get your fucking head out of your ass. Genma didn't even think you were going to show up, none of us did!" She yelled back at me. 


"You were the one who made the decision to show up, I didn't dress you like a doll and threw you into his arms. You did that all yourself so don't fucking lash out on me." She growled. 

"Fuck you, Tsunade. You told me to have fun, remember? Practically threw it into Kakashi's face when you demanded he have me out the door by 6. I wasn't even going to go! I only went to make him jealous..." I lost my steam at that last statement, realizing how petty that is.

She gave me a condescending laugh. "Well you sure as hell achieved it when you didn't come home." 

"Oh don't give me that shit. You don't get to act like you're so fucking innocent. I get it, me trying to make him jealous was petty but he fucking deserved to feel that pain. He deserves to feel some of what I did when he chose not to trust me. So fucking excuse me for making sure he did." 

"I'm not trying to act innocent, I'm trying to make you realize that you're both hurting each other by not working this shit out. You tip toe around each other, you don't even know how to exist in the same room without giving off homesick vibes. It's nauseating and quite frankly, heartbreaking."

"It's hard for me to forget what he did.."

"I understand that." She sighed. "But that man has done everything in his power to earn back your trust or even show you that you can believe him when he says he won't do the same thing again. You can try to lie to everyone else and say what he does doesn't affect you but you can't lie to me. I know he's getting to you, I know you miss him and I know you love him. So what is holding you back?"

"I just said--"

"I know what you said." She cut me off. "You can't forget, no one is asking you to forget what happened. Hell, even he's not asking you to forget because he knows that, that will always be a black spot that will forever stain this relationship.. but... he's living with it and trying to move forward past it. You're choosing to not forget but also not get past it"

I scoffed but I couldn't help let her words get to me. "I'm scared, Tsunade.." She gave me a sad smile and nodded. "He has had the power to destroy me since the first kiss and I don't know if I can handle something like this again.."

"I will tell you the words that I told you months ago, you're closing the door on something that could be really good for you." She grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "Maybe start being friends? Because you need to ask yourself a very important question."

"What question?"

"If you want him in your life or not. Your contract is up in a month, you're free to do as you please. You need to figure out a way to get past this and have him as a friend or more but most importantly, if you even want him in your life at all."

"That's a hard question." I mumbled and she chuckled.

"It's only hard because you refuse to see the truth, that you actively fight against it." 

"The truth?" I grumbled, partially suffocating in her boobs.

"That you're meant to be." She stated like it was obvious and I smile sadly. "Let me ask you this." She said and I hummed. "What if wants nothing to do with you?" 

The question made me tense. "What if he comes back and decides that your trust is all he wants to earn then you both part ways amicably? Would you be okay with that?" 

I let out a soft sob and felt her nod. "There's your answer." We stayed hugging for a few moments before she sighed.

"Alright, enough sappy shit. Get your ass in his office, you're Hokage until he comes back." She said causing my eyes to widen.

It's been three days and I realized I never want to be Hokage, this shit was insane and I'm so bone tired I think I can fall asleep standing up. The fact that since we had our fight, Kakashi has been taking on this much of a workload and actively trying to earn back my trust was unnerving because that seemed like way too much for a person to take on. 

When he finally showed up on Monday I was tempted to kiss him because the sight of his face almost brought tears to my eyes. I noticed instantly that something was different about him and it caused me to spiral into a panic. 

"Umm.. How was your weekend, Hokage-Sama?" I asked him softly.

"Good, very enlightening." He gave me an easy smile but it wasn't like his typical smiles that he gives me. This was more like the ones he gave me before we got together when we were friends. Is that what that smile is? A friends smile? 'Am I really analyzing his smiles now? Have I gone insane?'

"Enlightening?" I murmured and he hummed.

"Oh, do you have a moment? I know this has been a long time coming." He paused and looked through his computer completely missing the way my body tensed and I broke out in a cold sweat. Is this when he tells me that he's no longer actively pursuing me? Or a relationship? My panic doubled since he came in and the realization that this could be the end, solidified that I need this man in my life. 

"Orochimaru finally cracked." He said and I let out a loud breath that caused his brows to raise. "Are you okay?"


"I'm sorry this took so long." He said softly and I waved him off.

"It's okay, I knew he'd drag this out." I said and he nodded.

"He wanted to see if your curse mark could still be activated." My eyes widened and he hummed. "I see that you didn't know you had one." I shook my head and he looked back at the file. "He stated that it could be broken and wanted to test his theory." 'That's why he did this? So was his words bullshit? I need to see him.'


"Yes, he was assuming it had already been broken."

"How could it be broken?" I questioned and his cheeks turned pink.

"Umm.. if you become pregnant." He murmured and turned red.

My eyes widened and I barked out a laugh. "I see we didn't keep it a secret as well as we thought." I gasped at the word vomit.

"Well I mean you were never as quiet at you thought you were." He responded and I choked, not expecting that response.

"Ri--, right." 

He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate.."

"It's okay.. Actually can we talk about that? Us?"

He sat up straight. "There's an us?"

"I mean.. "

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