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After you stormed out of my office then the building all I could feel was regret. Every single word that came out of your mouth was true. I was a coward and I didn't know what to do; ask you and risk my assumption being correct? Or don't ask and get ahold of my irritation?

I felt ashamed that my emotions got to jumbled up that I couldn't think straight. Subconsciously, I knew what I was doing was hurting you but I had thought it would be easier to push you away. Easier for my emotions to go away, easier to breathe, Oh how fucking wrong was I. When I saw how much I upset you, it made everything harder to control; but I justified my reasoning, if I hurt you, you couldn't hurt me. Coward, the word made my wince and the way it came out of your mouth like a bullet made my heart clench.

I sat thinking about everything. How I turned my life around when I lost Obito and Rin, how I wasn't such a stickler for rules but still honored my father. How Minato-Sensei would be probably be disappointed and how Kushina-San would punch me for how I've treated you. How we lost so many people to get to this point. I now understood the disappointment dripping from your eyes like tar, everyone I lost would feel the same way.

After mulling over everything, I decided that you deserved an apology and some truth. You could end up slamming the door in my face but I'd try again. We were suppose to get together tonight and if I wasn't such an ass, then we would have. I sighed and packed up my stuff, mentally preparing a list of things to pick up from the store.

As I walked through the aisles, I couldn't help but take my time; I tried to imagine what you'd like and realized that I didn't know much about you. Everything I knew were surface level and the feeling of disappointment burrowed itself deeper into my bones. Had I not put you in a box when I first read your file, maybe I would know more. After carefully choosing things I thought were safe, I checked out and made my way to pick up food.

Food, snacks, flowers to beg for your forgiveness and alcohol in hand, I headed in the direction of our apartments. Looking up to the darkening sky, I mentally cursed myself for taking so long. As I walked up the stairs, I noticed a figure standing in front of your door.

"What are you doing here?" I heard you asked and squinted my eyes.

"Wow, y/n. What a greeting, im here to force you to spend your Friday night with me" I realized it was Genma and my fist curled tightly around the bags. 'Would you say yes?'

"Well actually I'm not really-"

"Oh hey Kakashi! Home already?" He said when he noticed me and I saw your head whip in my direction. Your eyes were still angry but faltered seeing the bags and flowers I had in my hands. Your expression turned confused then evened out.

"Actually Genma, come on in!" You said cheerfully and my shoulder slumped slightly. When you made eye contact with me, I nodded; hoping my eyes convey the apology instead. When Genma said okay you hesitated but before you could take back the invite, I unlocked my door.

"Have a nice night" I said softly, giving a small smile; I paused and turned to you. "I'm sorry" I whispered softly to you and passed you the flowers. Before I walked into my apartment, I turned to see you looking at me with wide eyes. I held the contact for a few seconds before walking in and shutting the door.

I ate, cleaned and ended up on my couch reading when I heard a knock at the door. My brows furrowing, I looked towards the clock and saw that it was almost midnight. I just wanted to be alone so I chose to ignore whoever it was. 'It's probably Genma leaving her house' the thought left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Another knock sounded followed by a "Open up, Hokage-Sama. I know you're awake."

Surprised it was you knocking, I got up and opened the door. With a confused expression, I looked down and tilted my head. "Hey, did you need something?"

"Yeah, we need to clear the air" you held up a bottle. "Wanna join me?"

Trying to be nonchalant, I shrugged and opened the door wider, "Sure, come in."

You took a seat on the side of my coffee table on the ground and gestured to the spot to the left of you. "Come join me, we need to hash some things out."

I sat and you cracked the bottle, taking a big swig before passing it to me, my brow raised. "I don't know about you, but I need some liquid courage." You said sheepishly, to not make you feel left out I took a sip.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my neck. "Firstly, I want to say i'm sorry. I've been in my head lately and it was wrong of me to be mad at you for not telling me your past when I should have been earning your trust."

I took another swig and passed you the bottle, you nodded and drank. "Apology accepted. I know you're sincere, I can hear it." you took a sigh then looked at me, "I'm sorry for going off on you. Even if you weren't Hokage, no one deserves that type of talking to."

"I deserved it" I shrugged, "but thank you. Not for apologizing but for getting my head out of my ass"

You laughed and took another drink, "I'm amazed it came out, it was pretty far up there" a smirk on your lips while you passed me the bottle.

"Ha ha. I get it, I'm an ass" I chuckled. With another sip, I had the courage to ask, "So why are you here? The apology could have waited. Did Genma leave?" It wasn't the question I wanted to ask but it opened the door to finding out the answer to my real question. 'Did you fuck him?'

"Yeah, just a little while ago."

"Hmm." I took another sip and passed the bottle back.

"I didn't fuck him" You said bluntly causing the liquor to go down the wrong pipe making me choke.

"What the hell?" I sputtered while you laughed, "A little warning would have been nice."

"It's what you wanted to ask" You smirked and my eyes widened. "You're not as slick as you think you are Hatake."

"Well why not?" I asked without thinking, "Shit, don't answer that. It's not my business."

You let out a loud laugh, "It's okay. I don't know, he doesn't do it for me I guess" You shook your head. I noticed we'd answer truthfully, take a sip and pass the bottle to each other. It was nice, relaxing, I could do this more often.

"Who does?"

"Getting bold with your questions huh?" you laughed.

"I feel like with you, I should just be blunt" I gave her a pointed look challenging her to disagree. "Also on the subject of blunt, you just called me Hatake"

Your eyes widened, "Ohhh, I did. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to my informal."

"I like it, you can keep calling me that if you like" I gripped the neck of the bottle tighter, suddenly nervous. You gave me a smile and I melted, 'what a damn good smile'. "I'll keep calling you that then."

"So who does?" I asked again.

You chuckled, "You'll never know, Hatake. That's for me and my fantasies to know." You laughed seeing my cheeks flush.

We continued a lazy conversation for a bit but I couldn't help the feeling that this wasn't the conversation you wanted to have.

"So what did you actually want to talk about?" I asked her after we lapsed into a comfortable silence. You stiffened but shook your head, taking a breath to loosen your body.

"About the holes in my file"

I felt like I sobered up instantly, nodding for you to continue.

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