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Kakashi and I have been sleeping together for about 2 months and the fact that no one has caught us was baffling. I swear as the days go by, he seems less and less worried we'll get caught; it almost seems like he wants us to get caught. He was burrowing himself in a place I never knew existed and it was equal parts exciting and terrifying. Just this morning he gave me a long kiss, a kiss that made me lose all senses. A throat clearing made me pull back but Kakashi leaned forward and caught my lips again while my eyes widened trying to see who was currently watching us make out.

"I'll see you later." He murmured against my lips and I nodded, he smiled before giving me a chaise kiss before walking to his office and closing the door. "Damn. That was hot." I whipped my head to the open door and Tsunade stood there with a smirk on her lips that made my already flustered face turn bright red. She walked in and closed my door before making her way towards me.

"I don't understand why you thought you both could keep it a secret." Tsunade raised a brow at me and I gave her my best 'huh?' look to fuck with her. "What are you talking about?" She shook her head then hit me on the back of mines. "Ow Tsunade-Sama!" I rubbed the spot and she scoffed. "Don't play dumb, it's not cute." I mumbled out a sarcastic reply and she glared at me.

"You know why we are keeping it a secret." I grumbled while I sat in my chair. "Seriously, though. It's not a big deal for people knowing, what happened in the past will stay there." She said and I sighed. "I just don't want people thinking I slept with him for this position-, wait. What do you mean by that?" I questioned and she tilted her head. "By what? The 'what happened in the past will stay there'?" I nodded and she paused. "You don't know?"

Dread filled my stomach like lead. "Don't know what?" I asked her evenly and her eyes slightly widened before she cleared her throat. "About his ex?" My face must have portrayed my confusion because she cursed. "Stupid Hatake. He has an ex, it was a very public relationship and it ended very bad. Because of this, some of the villagers were weary of him becoming Hokage." My brows furrowed, I hadn't heard any of this before. "Is that why it took so long for him to transition?" I asked and she sighed.

"Yes, we needed to show the village that he was capable and trustworthy." She said and my brows raised. "Trustworthy?" I couldn't wrap my head around this, he made a name for himself being one of the strongest in Konaha, why would he need to earn their trust?

"You'll have to ask him for this story, I can't tell you all of it." She said and I nodded, not really looking forward to it but also curious as to why he never mentioned and ex. "I won't pry, if he doesn't want to tell me then I won't beg him." I said stubbornly, also a little hurt he didn't mention an ex at all. "It's an ex, he may not be comfortable talking to you about it. She did do a number on him." She exhaled.

"On who?" Kakashi's voice scared us both and Tsunade looked somewhat guilty. "On you." She shrugged. "Pray tell, who is 'she'?" He asked and I noticed he was tense and his jaw was clenched. "Your ex." She lifted her chin. "Don't you think it's time for her to know some things about you? Or are you just going to keep taking?" She challenged him and I felt extremely uncomfortable with this whole situation.

Kakashi glared at her before scoffing and walking back to his office, slamming the door in the process. I let out a sigh while Tsunade let out a growl. "Tsunade-Sama, drop it." I rubbed my temples and she looked down at me. "Why?" She questioned and I shook my head. "If he isn't ready, then he isn't ready. I didn't tell him some of my story because I expected to hear his."

1 Year (Kakashi x reader - Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now