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I was becoming too attached to her, that was the first thought that popped in my mind when I woke up to your head on my chest and your arm holding onto me tightly. For a moment, I just stared; I traced every inch of your face and noted all my favorite things. The way your lips were slightly parted and I could feel ever puff of air that left them. The way randomly your brows would furrow then relax but my favorite was when you'd squeeze me tighter or move your body closer as if trying to be a close as humanly possible.

I mulled over the new information that you gave me last night and I rubbed a hand down my face, it wasn't a deal breaker but I wasn't sure how I felt about the amount of secrets you had. Were there more? Was that it? The questions were calling forth a headache and I wanted to groan.

You stirred slightly and I tilted my head down to look at your eyes flutter before opening. "Good morning." I murmured and you looked up, giving me a soft smile. "Morning.." You looked so relaxed and happy waking up in my arms, in my bed, I suddenly wished we could do this everyday.

You tried to move out of my arms and I instinctively held you tighter, pulling a snicker out of you. "Kakashi, I have to pee." I felt myself pout and you shook your head. You gave me a quick kiss before pushing off me, I rolled over to watch your naked ass while you walked to the bathroom. When the door closed, I dropped my face into the bed with a groan. Where did that thought come from? Everyday?

I got up out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to get started on some breakfast. I was so focused on cutting the vegetables that movement to my right, triggered my instincts and in a blink, I had you against the counter with the knife to your throat. A gasp left your lips and I blinked rapidly down at you. "Shit!" I jumped away from you and took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, you scared me and I just reacted."

"It's okay." You said breathlessly and my eyes narrowed on you. Nipples hard, eyes dilated, cheeks pink and breath panting.. "Are you turned on right now?" I asked in surprise. You blink and turned around giving me your back. "N-, no. Just surprised." You said shakily and I smirked.

I still held the knife when I walked up behind you, I pressed my groin against your ass and my chest against your back. I leaned down to your ear and murmured lowly. "Do you like knife play, y/n?"

A shiver ran through your body and goosebumps covered your skin. I let out a dark chuckle before kissing the back of your ear. "Answer me, sweetheart." I said before biting your ear.

"I th- think s-so" You stuttered out with a moan. I decided to test this theory and slowly wrapped your fair around my left hand and tugged, exposing your neck. My right hand slowly brought the knife to your neck, at the fist feel of metal you let out a shudder and quiet moan; grinding your ass against my cock slightly.

"Interesting." I groaned against your neck where the knife was farthest away from. Images of me carving my initials into your skin and you carving yours into mines made me hard enough to pound nails. You let out a whimper and I smiled. "It's okay, sweetheart. So do I." I whispered before I let her go fully.

She faced me with wide eyes and I shook my head. "Not now, I know after last night you're sore. I want your pussy to only feel pleasure while this gives you the pain you need." I rubbed my finger along the dull end of the knife, your eyes followed the movement while you nodded.

I smiled. "Will you help me with breakfast?" I asked and you shook your head before looking up at me. "Put me to work, Chef." You said and I laughed. "Adding role play to the list too, huh?" I teased with a smile. "Among other things." You said and my smile dropped, I took a step towards you and you held up your hand. "Breakfast, Hatake." You smirked so I rolled my eyes and turned to finish up what I was doing.

1 Year (Kakashi x reader - Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now