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"I see everything worked out" Tsunade smirked the next morning, eyes zeroed in on Kakashi's arm wrapped around my waist.

I shrugged and he smiled, both of us refusing to answer. "Annoying." She muttered and shook her head. "I handled as much as I could but it's all yours." She gestured to around the office.

"Thank you Tsunade." I walked to her and gave her a tight hug, she instantly returning it.

"Of course." She murmured. "Make babies." She whispered and I groaned.

"Tsunade!" I whisper shout and Kakashi chuckled.

"That's the plan." He said and we both stared at him until Tsunade clapped, scaring the shit out of me.

Kakashi continued to stare at me and the look he was giving me was pure filth.

"Annnnd that's my cue to leave." She waved and made her way to the door and throwing out a "Get started on that right away, Kakashi."

I sucked in a breath when he walked towards me, I backed up until I reached my desk and I could see his smirk beneath his mask. He placed both hands on the sides of my hips and leaned close to my face.

"That's the plan?" I questioned and he hummed.

"Eventually.. You know, for science purposes." He teased and I chuckled. "Science purposes?"


He straightened and my brows furrowed. "Doors open, sweetheart. Or do you no longer care if I pull my mask down in public?" He raised a brow and I groaned softly.

"Go to work." I pointed to his office and faced the back of his head towards the door before quickly pulling his mask down, giving me a kiss and pulling it back up.

"I love you." He whispered and I let out a soft sigh.

"I love you."

For the next few hours, I was so distracted by the workload that if it wasn't for Tsunade stopping by I wouldn't have noticed Kakashi staring at me from the doorway, I raised a brow at him. "You should be working, Hokage-Sama." I teased and he groaned.

"I should have told you this sooner but when you call me that I want to fuck you so hard."

I barked out a laugh and shook my head. "Yes, you should have. I would have had a lot of fun with that." I smirked.

"I thought you knew, to be honest."

"Nope. I called you that because I refused to say your name." I snickered and he sighed.

"Did you need something?" I asked and he stared. "Kakashi?"

"We have a meeting in 15 minutes."

I nodded. "We do."

"I need 10. Come here, sweetheart."

My thighs clenched before I stood and walked to him, he grabbed my wrist and led me to his office and shutting the door, locking it. He faced me and backed me up towards his desk before picking me up and placing me on top.

1 Year (Kakashi x reader - Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now