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When we exited the room, I couldn't stop the nagging feeling that the man was saying the truth. 'I could never forget you. Forget those eyes' It bothered me. I thought I had gotten to know you but it seems I have forgotten that your life is a mystery. 'Devil of the battlefield' what the hell does that mean?

"Thank you for coming, I know that we didn't get anything from him but it's still better for you to see him." Ibiki sighed, stress prominent on his features.

You opened your mouth to response when I spoke first, "Keep us updated, I'd like to be on top of this issue." He nodded and turned to walk away but I noticed his lingering stare at you, my irritation bubbled over. I grabbed your elbow and pulled you with me, "Hokage-Sama, what are you doing?!" your voice came out like a squeak with how fast I pulled you.

"Explain." I told her when I locked us in a closet.

You crossed your arms over your chest. "You pulled me into a closet and the first word you say is 'explain'?" you said exasperated.

My response was a brow raised. You let out a sigh and your arms dropped, with a shrug you said "What do you want me to say? I earned a nickname in the war."

"The devil of the battlefield. Consider me intrigued."

You let out a dry laugh, "Real rich coming from you, Copy Ninja." sarcasm dripping from every word.

I ignored her response and tried to get control of my anger. "What did he mean by your eyes."

You stiffened slightly and relaxed so fast I almost thought I imagined it. "Who knows? He was interrogated, he must have gotten me mixed up."

"So you said in there" I drawled. "But you didn't deny the nickname, are we picking and choosing which truths we're telling today?"

Your glare could kill a lesser man. "No. The nickname is true, the eyes part? I wasn't myself, all I could think of was kill or be killed. My eyes must have portrayed that."

"Then why evade when I asked the question?"

"Do you like being questioned about what you had to do to survive?" You eyes hard and voice filled with venom.

I softened my voice, "No, I don't. Look, i'm sorry but as the Hokage I need to be prepared for everything. Him saying that, took me by surprise."

You nodded hesitantly, "The nickname doesn't necessarily bring up happy feelings.." you murmured.

I nodded because yeah, I understood that more than you know. "I still remember what you said when we first met, about your story being told by you when you trust me. I hope one day you grace me with it." I said seriously but I couldn't help the hopefulness that merged itself with my words

A small smile played on your lips, "Careful, Hokage-Sama. I may think you like me."

"Like is a bit of a stretch" I teased but looked her in the eyes so you understood clearly, "If there is anything you'd like to tell me, you can."

All I received was a nod so we exited the closet, running right into Genma. 'oh, what the fuck'

"Well this is interesting" he said with a smirk.

1 Year (Kakashi x reader - Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now