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Something flipped, I didn't bind those men who attacked us, when I saw blood coming out of your mouth: I saw nothing but red. For a moment, I froze and I never fucking freeze; the imagine of you coughing up blood will haunt me for the rest of my life. I was the Hokage, my ninja days were done, i'm suppose to be fair, fuck that, those mean didn't deserve to live.

I sat on my bed after seeing for myself you were okay, thinking back on the way I treated you. I'm no stranger to attraction but the kind of attraction I feel for you is beyond anything i've experienced. I'm not satisfied unless I see with my own eyes you're breathing, the jealousy I feel when a man comes near you, the need to mark every inch of your skin with me; it's maddening.

I told you the truth when I said you occupy my every waking thought and my dreams; over the past few weeks you have burrowed yourself into my soul. I shook my head and made my way to the shower. As I stood under the spray, my hand slowly lowered; my dick was hard and I wrapped a fist around the base. Flashes of your hazy eyes, breathless words and the was you tasted played in my mind. I squeezed and let out a quiet groan, as I stroked up towards my head, I imagined you on your knees; my dick deep in your throat while your eyes rolled back. My breathing picked up while I stroked faster, I imagined you moaning, the vibration traveling straight to my balls. The thought made me squeeze harder and my head drop back, I picked up my pace when I felt my release coming. My pants and soft groans filled the bathroom and I prayed you could somehow hear me so you'd know just how much you drive me crazy.

'Cum for me, Kakashi' I imagined you demanding then forcing me to the back of your throat, eyes watering and that's what I did. My left hand braced against the wall and I let out a moan while I came all over the shower wall. My body shivered from the after effects of my orgasm while I panted and I stood there for a moment to clear my head. I finished my shower and crawled into bed, a smile graced my lips, 'I can't wait until tomorrow.'

The next morning, I was sitting on the private dining room of our suite. The hotel had given all Kage a suite with complimentary breakfast, I was enjoying tea while I waited for you to join me. When the sliding door flung open, I smiled, you looked mad but faltered when you saw me. I decided, since no one was in the suite that I'd leave my mask off, you recovered your "mad face" quickly but I could tell by looking at the lust in your eyes thay you were probably more sexually frustrated than anything.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I told you while you stomped towards the chair, seated directly next to me. I had all other chairs removed, expecting you to try to put distance between us.

You ignored me and tried to move the seat over, my hand shot out and gripped the armrest, halting your movements. Your eyes narrowed at the table "Don't call me that" you gritted out.


"Because" you growled. "It is unprofessional and I don't like it."

"I don't give a fuck if it's unprofessional" I spoke clearly, then leaned closer to her, grabbing her chin and bringing her gaze to mines. "And you do like it" I whispered. Her eyes dilated and her breathing grew heavy.

"Eat something and we'll talk" I said while I leaned back. You shook your head and tried to be angry but your fidgeting and clenching of your thighs let me know you were anything but.

I watched you pick at the food for a few minutes before you opened your mouth. "Why are you staring?"

"Because you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" I told you truthfully and watched you turn a lovely shade of pink.

1 Year (Kakashi x reader - Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now