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When Naruto, Sakura and Sai left Kakashi's office we caught up for a little before they headed out. I called out to Sakura before she could leave and hesitated.

She giggled, "Just ask, Y/N-San. I know almost everything about him."

"About who?" I acted oblivious.

"You're a terrible liar. About Kakashi-Sensei." she smirked.

"UGH. Fine. What does he like to eat?"

"Salt-broiled saury and miso soup with eggplant" she sent me a wink before closing my door.

When I emailed him about food, I decided to get his favorite; maybe then he'd stop being so hot and cold. It was wishful thinking, i'm sure.

Thirty minutes later, I was knocking on his door and I was slightly nervous. 'What if he thinks i'm a stalker?' I took a deep breath when I heard his "Come in." I thought it was a bit weird that the room itself was soundproof but the door wasn't but now it made sense.

I opened the door, seeing him hunched over his desk and his head in his hands. When he smelled the food, his head shot up and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"Please tell me that's what I think it is" His voice was so hopeful, I chuckled.

"Ahh, he does know the word 'please', who would have thought?" I mused.

He let out a laugh and watched me put the food on his desk, when his brows furrowed I questioned why.

"You're not going to join me?" he asked and my eyes widened.

"Umm, I didn't want to assume" I cleared my voice.

"Join me." he said before opening up the food boxes. The fact that he demanded it should make me mad but the flutter between my legs tells me it's been way to long since i've gotten laid.

After grabbing my food, I sat in front of his desk and we began eating. Conversation flowed easily between us as long as we stayed away from personal questions.

"So what are we going to do if the other Kage's don't agree?" I questioned.

"Probably send out a trusted team to recon, though, I personally don't want to do that. I'd rather be transparent."

"I understand. I don't see why they wouldn't want to investigate it, unless they're in on it but I doubt it." I spoke my thoughts out loud.

"Hopefully it's not like that, I can't handle that possibility right now" He shook his head. I couldn't help but notice how his shoulder drooped and his eye bags were so prominent. I had stress but I could only imagine what he felt. I could only blame my next question on my lack of sanity.

"Hey, Friday you wanna get drunk and forget our problems for a little?" I blurted the question out, it surprised both of us.

"Not like that." I amended then winced, "Shit, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, let's just buy alcohol, order food and just hangout in one of our living rooms." I shrugged, "We can get as drunk as we want, eat as much as we want and be as loud as we want." I flushed then stuttered. "Yo-you know be-because you're the Hokage and all, can't be drunk in public." I mentally scolded myself for babbling and when I looked at Kakashi, he has a soft look on his face and my heart fluttered.

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