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"Are you okay?" Sasuke's voice calmed the inner turmoil in my heart and I took my first breath of relief after hearing him. I nodded and he removed my wrap, I could hear Kakashi demanding answers but I ignored him. When my eyes adjusted to the bright lights and my gaze settled on Sasuke, they immediately filled with tears, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and lead me outside.

I body flickered us to my apartment and when I breathed in the scent of my home, I let the tears fall freely. Sasuke hugged me and I squeezed him back, I may not be a real Uchiha but he was like my cousin and I took comfort knowing he was here to hold me up.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered and he held me tighter when I let out a muffled sob. I don't know how long he held me and I didn't notice when he lead me to my couch and pulled a blanket over us while I stayed attached to his side. The sound of the door opening caused me to tense and he rubbed my arm. "It's Sakura, Sai and Naruto." He said and I relaxed again, turning to face them.

"We're so sorry, y/n." Sakura said softly sitting next to me and Naruto and Sai sat on my coffee table in from of us. "Thank you for getting me out." I said gruffly and Naruto shook his head. "Not fast enough." His voice was angry and I smiled softly, he was angry on my behalf and that meant more than he could know.

"I got there as soon as Ibiki called me, I'm sorry I didn't get there before the wrapped your eyes." Sai said while looking down. I looked around at all four of them and shook my head. "It isn't any of your faults.. Please don't blame yourselves." I spoke softly.

"But.. your fear of that place and the restraints.." Sai murmured before Naruto hit the back of his head with a growl. "Sai!" He whisper shouted and I snickered, leave it to Sai to be blunt.

"It's okay, Naruto." I gave him a smile. "What happened after we left?" I asked them and Sakura spoke. "We restrained him and we're locking him in that cell for 24 hours."

My eyes widened. "Why?" I asked and Naruto smirked. "We may love Kakashi-Sensei but he deserves it for being a dumbass. I told him to read the scroll. I'm sorry, y/n but he didn't.."

"But why would you all take that kind of action?" I asked confused and they all gave me small smiles. "We were there when the scroll was signed, it states we are allowed to take immediate action how we see fit." Sakura said. "All of you?"

They nodded. "Plus a few more people that we had named." I let out a breath and my eyes grew misty again. "I didn't know.. Thank you." I whispered harshly. Our conversation ended with me being sandwiched between Sasuke and Sakura with Naruto leaning against my legs and Sai leaning on his shoulder.

The next morning they left and Sakura hovered by the door. "What will you do?" She asked and I understood her hesitance in asking, in the past I would have disappeared for God knows how long. "Don't worry, I'm going to stay." I said and she widened her eyes. "Why?" I gave her a small smile. "Although Kakashi did all this, he also showed me that I wasn't really living my life.." I sighed. "I don't want to live my life the way I did before him, this village is my home and I won't leave it again." I told her with conviction and she hugged me tight. "I'm glad to hear it." Her voice cracked and I chuckled, hugging her just as tight.
'I'm sorry, Sakura.'

Hours later, I roamed the village; it felt as it I was looking at it in a new light. I held too many negative emotions in about this place and although I had horrible experiences here, I also had the best. I somehow wandered to the training grounds and it looked exactly as I remembered, I took a deep breath and smiled. 'Smelled the same too.' I chuckled to myself and continued walking.

I ended up at the Valley of the end and paused at the base, I stared up at the large statues and let out a sigh. "Descendants of two of the greatest Hokage" I murmured sarcastically. "Fucking Orochimaru." I groaned and plopped down on the ground before laying down completely.

I closed my eyes, trying to control my emotions; I may have changed my outlook on this village but my feelings towards Kakashi were a ravaging storm. How can a person equally love and hate someone?

I wanted to torture him for putting me in cuffs and a sealing wrap instead of talking to me. But I also wanted to beg him to hold me because the fear of being back in that place was overwhelming. 'Fucking annoying.'

"Get it fucking together." I told myself, my voice being carried off by the wind. "Fancy seeing you here." His slimy voice sent rage throughout my veins.

"Orochimaru." I grunted and opened my eyes. He took a seat next to me and stared down. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Just a chat." He said nonchalantly and I chuckled dryly. "You never approach someone just for a chat. Cut the bullshit."

"Still so feisty. Must be the Uchiha in you." He smiled and I flashed my Sharingan. "Don't test me, Orochimaru. I'm in no mood." He smiled wider looking into my eyes. "Because of the Hokage?" He mused.

My eyes went back to normal and I took a breath, trying to not let him get to me. "It's none of your business. Go away."

"Aren't you upset over it?" He hummed and I sat up before getting to my feet. "Always the meddler. Don't you get tired of trying to be the bad guy?" I asked and he chuckled while standing. "I could never be the bad guy." He tilted his head and smiled. "That will always be you."

His words affected me more than I thought they would. I cursed Kakashi for making me more aware of emotions. "Pray tell." I crossed my arms. "An experiment born from two of the strongest Shinobi's ever existed but pulls more from the darker of the two." He chuckled. "If only everyone really knew what happened on that battlefield."

I masked my shock, he couldn't have known what really happened, Sasuke wiped everyone's memories. "What really happened?" I shook my head. "Everyone does know what happened. They were there."

"But they don't remember." He chuckled and my arms dropped from my chest, my fists clenching before relaxing. "Quite the statement. To bad it's false."

"It isn't. Secrets are my specialty, y/n." He gave me a greasy smile and I clenched my jaw. "I thought it was experiments?" I said sarcastically and he chuckled. "That too. I can see you're dying to know how I know the secret you and all the Hokage's are keeping secret."

He paused, probably for dramatic affect but my anger was rising. "Well.. not all the Hokage's." He smirked.

I stayed silent and waited. "As you know, Sasuke stayed with me for a few years; his genjutsu doesn't work on me." He chuckled and my eyes flashed again, shock, disbelief, anger, sadness became overwhelming.

"Oh?" His smile greasy again. "Did I say something? Would hate for this secret to get out." He chuckled and I growled. "What do you want?" I seethed.

"To prove something." My brows furrowed. "Prove what?" I asked. He smiled seconds before his head turned snake like and his fangs imbedded themselves into my neck. I sucked in a breath and my body froze.

I grunted. "What the fuck." I said through gritted teeth. "I want to prove to you that no matter what good deeds you do, someone like Kakashi would never love you."

He walked towards me and his tongue licked the blood that came from the wound. "This will guarantee it." He whispered and my heart beat harshly, my breathing picked up and my vision hazed. "You may have your own free will, y/n." His voice sounded muffled and echoed in my head. "But I will always be the one who made you." His laughed sounded sinister and I willed my senses to calm down. "The one who knows how you tick. Who will always be able to control you."

I watched his blurry figure walked backwards. "Good bye my greatest and worst experiment."

That's all I heard before my vision went black and my control left.

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