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It was almost like I went back in time, I woke up the next morning feeling good about the night before. We shared secrets and it felt like we could finally move forward. Oh how wrong was I. Kakashi retracted back into his shell like a stubborn turtle, he practically dismissed me from his house with a wave of his hand.

It's been 5 days since Friday and he's as frosty as the north pole. I have tried everything to have a casual conversation but he refuses to bite. I have been wearing my irritation like a second skin, the worst part is that in 2 days we leave for the Kage meeting. 3 Full days with him and only him is something I am not looking forward to.

After trying to talk to him, I had finally given up. I chose to ignore him like he did me, I spoke to him the way he did, I matched him in everything. I could tell he was getting irritated but oh fucking well, if he wanted me to be bright and shiny he should have stopped the bullshit. All I want to do is shake him and ask him 'what the fuck?!'

I walked around like a haze, he didn't betray me per say but he did turn his back on me. It hurt just as much, I preferred the betrayal at this point because then there would be a reason. This shit? I got no reason, just cold.

We were packing up for the trip. I was standing at the village gates, looking towards the Hokage Monument. I wondered how different things would have been if greed wasn't so prominent in my clan. So many what ifs, so little time to ponder about them.

"Are you ready?" He asked me from behind me, I responded with a nod. We piled into the carriage, I didn't get the point of it. We would get there faster while running and we're sitting ducks. 'New times' I guess.

I sat as far away from him, I refused to sit in front of him so I stared out the window. The inside of the carriage was tense to say the least. The only sounds were the Shinobi's giving Kakashi updates. Every hour on the hour we got them. "5 hours out, Hokage-Sama" Grunt. .... "4 hours out, Hokage-Sama" Grunt. ... and so on and so forth. I was about to fall asleep when I felt something off. My eyes shot open and I looked out the window casually, not wanting to draw any attention.

I noticed the Kunai to late, I stopped the first from hitting Kakashi when the second one hit me in the stomach. I grunted and pulled it out before he could notice. It was chaos for a few seconds. The shinobi we were with were outnumbered and cornered.

Kakashi grabbed me and pulled before another Kunai could hit my thigh. I rushed out a "Thanks" then peeked out the window. I activated my eyes, putting 5 in a genjutsu causing them to pass out instantly. Kakashi jumped out when they dropped and engaged in a fight. I stood and winced, pressing a hand to my stomach and I tried to heal my wound. I realized instantly that it wasn't a normal kunai that hit me. 'Poison, figures'. I had maybe 5 minutes before I passed out. My bag had an antidote that Sakura and I concocted, it was pretty much universal. It was on the outside of the carriage, I should be able to get it. Hopefully, Kakashi can recognize a poison wound.

Two of our Shinobi's were down and we were about to be overrun when I made a decision. I brought out my Susanoo, trapping the men who ambushed us.

"Get something to bind them!" I yelled at Kakashi before coughing out blood and dropping to my knees. My vision was blurry at the edges and I shook my head, 'just a little longer'

"Y/N!" He yelled when he saw the blood. I yelled again, "Bind them!" it was getting harder to breath, I eyed the pack of antidotes with longing. 'Shit. This will be the last time I don't carry them on me'

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