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I watched him straighten, eyes blow wide then shake his head and relax. "You don't have to.." he mumbled. A lovesick smile threatened to come out, I blame it on the liquor.

"I know.." My reply matched his in volume, I gave him a small smile, "It wouldn't be everything, just what I do trust you with. If you're okay with that, then I don't mind."

"I'll try not to ask questions" he said sheepishly. "But i'm naturally curious hence the nickname."

"Ahh, that's the reason behind the name?" I gave him a smirk, he shook his head with a huff and a smile. "You don't have to refrain from asking questions, I may not answer it" I gave a nervous chuckle. "But i'll try.."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

I sighed and slumped against the couch, taking another swig. "Because deep down, I know I can trust you with it. You may not be the best person" He winced and nodded. "But I know that you wouldn't tell anyone." I took one more before passing him the bottle, I noticed our fingers started brushing each others; it filled me with warmth more than the alcohol. I mentally shook my head, 'maybe I should have taken Genma's offer' The thought banished from my mind when he spoke again.

"I meant why decide to tell me now? Just seems a bit random considering the day we've had."

"Genma" was my only response. I saw his fists clench once before relaxing, 'what's up with that?'

"So he knows about your past then?" His voice controlled to not show his emotions.

"Not everything" I grimaced. "I realized just now, I definitely have trust issues." I leaned my head back against the couch. "He told me that you were a good man, that the way you're treating me is not about me but you. That if i'd give you a chance, you wouldn't hurt me." I shrugged. "So I decided to give you a chance."

His eyes connected with mines, probably searching for any lies; he wouldn't find any. I thought back to my conversation with Genma.


"Uhh what was that?" Genma asked when we walked through my door.

"He's a stupid shit and i'm mad at him" I replied.

"Mad at him huh?" his head tilted, smirk on his lips.

"Yes." I nodded once.

"Seems more than anger, the sexual tension between you two just now could be cut with a butter knife" his smirk still firmly in place. "And that eye contact? Whewww, I almost combusted." he fanned his face, that stupid smirk still there. He's lucky my hands were full of he'd have a fist coming at him.

"Shut up. We do not want to fuck each other" I denied, hoping my face wasn't red.

"Then fuck me because you are in need of release" He smiled then.

I laughed, "And become another one of your booty calls? I'll pass" I shook my head.

"Rude... So that was just anger then?" He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. I nodded. "Yes, just anger"

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