Chapter. 2

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It was a typical day at his school. The same old thing, walking to and from classes and he just couldn't wait till the day was over. He hasn't even seen hyunjin around, making his mood worse.

The bell finally rang, signaling class was over and it was time for lunch. He quickly put his things away, tucking them into his backpack then finally getting up from his desk as he sent jeongin a text that he'll meet him at lunch.

He walked out of class, still glued on his phone as he walked through the halls, already knowing the way to the cafeteria like the back of his hand. As he was walking, he didn't notice someone standing there, accidentally bumping into a broad back causing him to wince a bit as he stood back, "s-sorry, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was-" he frowned, rubbing at his aching forehead after the harsh impact but as soon as he looked up at the stranger his words were caught in his throat.

"Oh, hey. Sorry, that was also my bad, I shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the ball like that. You okay?" He asked in concern, subtly eyeing the shorter up and down, his eyes immediately darking after looking at his somewhat revealing outfit, he looked beautiful. Then he quickly replaced the intense stare with a soft smile, holding his hand out towards the other boy, "Felix, right?".

Felix just looked at the other's hand for some time in confusion before finally placing his inside it, the other's larger hand immediately engulfing his smaller one. " Oh, yeah. Lee Felix." He said as he stared at the taller, looking into his brown orbs. "And I'm.. Fine" he then gave him a small smile before rectracting his hand, placing it into his hoodie pocket.

The taller nodded after what he said. "Hwang hyunjin. Um, where were you heading, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked, looking at the blonde with pleading eyes.

"Uh.. To the cafeteria, I was gonna meet up with my friend there. Why?"

The taller then basically attached himself to Felix's side, their shoulders touching as they started walking down the hallway. "Mind if I come with you? I just.. Well, basically my friends left me for a party that I didn't want to go to. And if you know me.. You know I hate parties or crowded places like that." Felix nodded, listening to the other speak as he almost blushed by feeling the tallers hand brush against his own.

"Alright then, but just beware.. Hes a bit weird sometimes" Felix said with a smile towards hyunjin. And hyunjin nodded, grinning as he wrapped an arm around the blonde's shoulder.

Felix couldn't believe this. He was actually walking to lunch with his crush, Hwang hyunjin. Is this a dream? He thought to himself.

He might have been dying on the inside but he wasn't going to let that stop him from making friends with his one and only crush, the man he's always hoped to talk to, at least if it was just a bit more than three words.

Hello, everyone

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Hello, everyone. I'm sorry it's just a short chapter but I really hope you enjoyed 🥺🙏 and I promise to update as soon as I can. I'm not sure when.. But I promise I will. So stay safe everyone, and don't forget I absolutely appreciate anyone who reads this :)

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