Chapter. 9

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Okay hi everyone!
Quick starting note, this will contain some steamy scenes so if you are uncomfortable with any of that please skip :) and I'm so sorry if this sucks, this is my first time writing something like this so yea..I'm kinda nervous (。>﹏<。) I'll try not to cringe too much while writing it haha. Nonetheless I hope you enjoy!.<3


Finally once they stepped foot into the house, they took off their shoes slowly and Felix walked over to his kitchen, hyunjin following close behind. "Would you like anything to drink? Eat?"
Hyunjin looked at him and nodded a bit as he sat down at a chair near the table, "cold water, please." As Felix serves him the water, hyunjin turns on his phone and starts scrolling through his messages, only to see over 20 messages from his friend Lee Minho, always worrying over him like if he was his actual mom. He sighed, running his hand through his hair and just decided to leave them for later, not wanting to deal with the bunny boy at this moment. As he sets his phone down onto the table, Felix is placing the cup in front of him, looking at hyunjin with concern in his eyes, "what's wrong, jinnie?"

As hyunjin picks up the glass cup, taking a small sip and giving Felix an appreciative smile, he lets out a small "thank you, angel." Felix smiles at him before scooting closer to the other boy, soon placing his hands into the others long black hair, realizing how soft it was, he lets out a quiet gasp but soon those thoughts leave his head at the stressed look hyunjin has on his face. "What's bothering you?" He continues to run his fingers along the others scalp slowly, smiling to himself as hyunjin's arm immediately comes up to wrap around his waist, pulling him closer.

He lays his head against Felix's chest gently and lets out a quiet sigh. He loved being like this with the blonde boy, but as cute and innocent as it was, he couldn't help the way his body craved for more, wanting Felix closer, closer than they were right now. Wanting nothing more than to feel his skin on his. He licks his lips, closing his eyes tightly and trying to get rid of those thoughts. He shouldn't be thinking about that right now. Instead he focuses on answering Felix. "Nothing, angel. Just.. My friend being annoying. He starts spamming my phone when I don't answer his messages" at the end of his sentence, he lets out a little chuckle. And Felix hums, continuing the calm pattern on the others head before pulling away slightly, already missing the warmth from the other. "Maybe he's just worried about you.. I'll let you answer him as I go change. I'll get you some clothes you can change into, as well. I'll be back, alright?" He watches as hyunjin just gives him a quick nod before turning around and walking away from the other, reaching his room quickly but makes sure it's not too noticeable.

As he finally reached the safety of his room, shutting the door behind himself, he placed his hand onto his chest, feeling his heart going crazy underneath his palm. His face was so hot, his body felt so hot. He couldn't believe the desire at that moment as he had hyunjin close to him. He had to get away somehow, embarrassed at the way he wished the other's hands would have reached lower, and lower, till Felix was a needy mess just from his hands. He pants quietly, feeling arousal deep in his gut. And he has to take deep breaths in order to calm himself down, walking into his bathroom, turning on the faucet to the coldest setting and splashing his face with water. After that, he quickly walked over to his drawer, finding the clothes he'd feel the least suffocated in with hyunjin there. As he's about to pick up an old tank top, his brand new, never used hoodie catches his eye. Then he bites his lip. 'Hyunjin's here.. We don't what could happen.. What would he think if I wore this?' He thinks to himself as he runs his fingers over the soft material of the folded sweater. He's sure he can make it look good, cozy even. And the next think he knows is he's gripping the hoodie in his hand, pulling it out the drawer. then afterwards he opens his other drawer, the one with his pairs of shorts and pants, skirts. And he's soon picking out the cutest shorts he had in there, along with some ankle socks.

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