Chapter. 5

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After lunch, jeongin unfortunately had to leave poor Felix alone with hyunjin, running off to his class before he was late. And that's exactly what lead to right now, hyunjin and Felix awkwardly walking beside each other down the hallway, because apparently they had second class together.

Was this fate? Felix couldn't believe hyunjin would have been around him this much once he talked to him. And he doesn't know how he hasn't died from nervousness yet.

Suddenly, Felix's train of thoughts are interrupted by a small white earphone appearing in front of his face, his eyes widening as he looks beside himself, only to find hyunjin smiling gorgeously towards him, almost blinding him from how beautiful he looked.

He feels his heart skip a bit when all he sees next is hyunjin opening his mouth to say something but the words being completely unheard and muffled by Felix's loud thoughts as he continues to stare at hyunjin's soft looking lips. But as soon as he realizes hes been staring too long and that hyunjin has been talking to him he's quick to shake his head and quickly look into the others eyes, getting rid of those annoying thoughts telling him to just get a bit closer to the taller and have a taste when he knows he can't do that.

"Sorry.. What were you saying?" Felix says, feeling his cheeks heat up out of embarrassment and licking his lips while looking away. He hears a chuckle beside him, "Did you not hear what I said? Well.. I was just talking about this song that I've been listening to recently. It's really good, wanna hear it?"

Then suddenly the small earphone is placed into his small hand, and he feels his cheeks get extremely hot at the mere contact of hyunjin's skin against his palm. He grips onto the earphone, placing it into his ear and watches as hyunjin taps on his phone screen, and eventually the soft melody of a song is surrounding his ear drums.

He breathes out softly, knowing their walk to their next class is gonna take some time as it's on the second floor. But he didn't mind. He soon felt himself getting drowsier as the song went on, somehow feeling very comfortable beside the taller one, and before he knew it, they were soon walking very close, their hands basically touching.

And he didn't really care about what he was doing anymore, just letting his drowsiness and the music drown his thoughts away as he gently lays his head on the the tallers shoulder, his eyes soon closing as they continued their slow walk.

He finally realized what he was doing once he felt the tallers hand holding his smaller one, completely engulfing it in his. And Felix purses his lips, he's about to freak out because he didn't know what to do, should he pull away or stay in that position?. But before he can continue thinking about it he feels hyunjin pull him closer, and he's suddenly too aware of the people around them and their surroundings. But soon enough calms down, listening to the soft guitar in his ear, and he let's out a quiet sigh. 'Don't worry right now, Felix. Just think about hyunjin.. He's all that matters. '

And soon the music is at its end, leaving Felix extremely shy at the close proximity him and his crush are in. Then hyunjin's taking his phone out his pocket again, quickly pausing the next song that came on as they finally reach their class. They stand in front of the door and Felix has to get off hyunjin's shoulder as the taller stars speaking, suddenly missing the warmth beside him.

"What'd you think? Did you like it?" Hyunjin asks, referring to the song. And Felix nods enthusiastically, watching the way the other licked his lips before they formed into a gorgeous smile. "I loved it, hyunjin. Definitely my type of music. Thank you for showing me that amazing song." He gives the taller a genuine and soft smile and hyunjin feels his cheeks burn, "haha, of course, we can listen to it again another time if you wouldn't mind.."

And Felix nods again, about to walk into the classroom but is soon stopped by the hand holding his, he suddenly feels his cheeks extremely warm at the fact they were holding hands this whole time while talking. And he clears his throat lightly before looking up into the others eyes, surprised to see a hint of desperation in them.

"Sit with me?"


Okay hi everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to post, been pretty busy :( but if you read this I am truly grateful. Thank you guys so much for 100 reads on this 😭😭🙏 like that's crazy.. How did it get this much?? I honestly thought literally nobody would read this lmao. But once again, thank you all sooo much and I hope you enjoyed! 💜

also the song I was referring to when they were listening to a song in hyunjin's earphones ^^^ pls listen to it if you can, I truly love it.

Okay bye now and I would also love to hear your thoughts on this :) 💙 I see you silent readers -_- 🥲🤣 nah jkjk I don't care but would actually really appreciate some comments 😭🙏 bye, have a wonderful time!

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