chapter. 13

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After what the blonde said, hyunjin looks at Felix with shock in his eyes, and as he's about to say something, jeongin comes in beside him, wrapping his arm around HyunJin's as he asks, "what's going on, hyunjin?" And Felix almost, just almost yells at his best friend right at that moment. But he does his best to keep it in, taking a deep breath as he grabs one of jisungs hand in his, loving the way the squirrel boy some how helps him calm down instantly.

Jisung is patting Felix's back lightly with his other hand and tries to help him feel better as the other two spike up a conversation like if they're not even there. Finally once Felix hears HyunJin's precious giggle, he snaps his head towards the other two, his heart only feeling more shatteted as he watched the way the tallers eyes formed into beautiful crescent shapes, along with his beautiful smile as he was running his fingers through jeongins hair. And Felix actually starts feeling tears well up in his eyes. Why was hyunjin suddenly paying attention to jeongin when Felix was right there feeling like an emotional wreck?

Then he's soon removing jisungs hand from his, giving the squirrel boy a sweet smile before walking in front of jeongin and hyunjin. As soon as hyunjin notices his slightly glossy eyes, he's immediately pulling away from jeongin, then cupping Felix's face in his hands gently. Felix didn't know what to do at that moment, only being able to look away from how embarrassed and angered he felt, but wanting nothing more than to just be embraced by the olders arms. But he's quickly pulling away, stepping back a bit in order not to give in to the thoughts of just kissing the life out of hyunjin. Instead, hes pulling hyunjin aside, away from jeongin and jisung's listening ears, although he truly wouldn't mind if jisung heard if he was being honest. Finally once they've got far enough, "Hyunjin. I'm sorry for acting this way and I know we're not really dating but.. Just what is your relationship with jeongin? If it's more than what I thought it was, which was just friends.. You shouldn't be doing this to neither me or innie. He's my best friend, for gods sake. And you're.. You're.. Well, you're more than just a friend to me, that's for sure. I just don't think this is fair. Do you see the way he looks at you? It's obvious he's in love with you, jinnie."

Felix sighs, running his hand through his hair as he tried not to break down once he says his next words, "So.. I'm sorry but its either me or jeongin. Pick one, please." He looks up at hyunjin and doesn't expect a look of desperation and sadness. Hyunjin soon engulfs Felix's hands in his, looking at him sincerely as he speaks up. "Lixie.. I will always pick you. Because me and jeongin were never something to begin with.. He may look at me like if he's in love with me, but I can assure he's not.. Uh.. That? In love with me anymore.. Not like before," he's scratching the side of his head slightly in embarrassment before continuing with his speech, "sure, when we used to be friends, he used to like me. But when he told me, I had to reject him because I didn't like him. And even after I told him it was okay and that we could stay friends, our friendship became kind of weird after that and we just became distant with each other.."

"Nonetheless, I know he doesn't like me like that anymore. I can assure you, because he's talked to me about this other guy he apparently really likes now. But Felix.. You're everything to me. I will never leave you for anyone else because.." Hyunjin has to close his eyes and take a deep breath for a second as he starts feeling his cheeks heat up, but he tries to gain his courage as best as he can, and once he opens his eyes all he sees Is an angel in his sight. With bright teary eyes and rosy cheeks, along with the softest smile adorning his beautiful plump lips. He really liked Felix. No, he loved him. And he had to let him know. "Because I really like you, Felix."

Felix's eyes are immediately widening in shock, and he has to hear hyunjin say it again to make sure it wasnt just his mind playing tricks on him. "W-what?" He let's out breathlessly, and when hyunjin doesn't say anything for almost a minute, he starts to believe he actually imagined those words coming out of the tallers mouth. But finally hyunjin is speaking up again, "I like you, Felix. So much. I-i'm not sure if you feel the same way.. But.. Everything that we did together had meant so much to me. And I'd wish to spend more of our time together. If that's okay with you.." He bites his bottom lip slightly as he squeezes the blondes hands in his, suddenly feeling extremely anxious at what Felix's answer will be.

Felix feels like he might faint. How, just how did he get so lucky? THE hwang hyunjin just admitted that he liked him right now. He admitted that he wants to spend more time with Felix. And Felix felt like he was on top of the world. He was beyond happy right now. Sure, he was happy with what they were doing at first but now? The fact that hyunjin, his crush, actually liked him back made Felix want to shout it out loud proudly. And rub it in everyone's faces. But before he can do any of that, he had to answer hyunjin.

"Oh my God, hyunjin.. You.. Like me? I like you too. I like you more than anything, God I'm so happy" Felix is smiling like crazy as he lets out little giggles and hyunjin finds him more than adorable at that moment. He's quickly pulling Felix into his embrace, giving him the biggest hug as he kisses along his face. "You like me back? I'm so happy too, lix. I can't wait to take you out on dates and do those other things couples do.." When he's pulling away, he's cupping Felix's jaw with his hands gently, and he pecks the blondes lips quickly after making sure no one was looking their way.

"Felix, will you be my boyfriend?"

And Felix can't hide his excitement once hyunjin finally asks him that, he's hopping a bit in his spot as he pulls hyunjin close by the jacket and Is smashing his lips against his, All his emotions being passed on through the kiss. And he's smiling against HyunJin's lips as he let's out a, "Of course, yes!"

But before they can continue to celebrate, someone is soon walking up behind them.

"Just what is going on here?"


Hey guys! I hope this chapter wasn't too boring and I'm soo happyyy because like I said, my writers block is finally going away and I'll be able to update much more! Soo, finally they confessed! And if I'm being honest, I think this story will start reaching its end already :( yeaaa as sad as I am for it to end, I can't wait to start another, much better, planned out story. What do you guys think of omegaverse hyunlix? Or maybe I can do like a simple yeongyu or Seungin fic, you guys let me know! Alsoo, as you all know, this is not the end YET. There will still be maybe like.. 2 more ships? And I'm gonna try to get those pairs together as well 😉 and I'm so sorry if this is pretty short, I kind of ran out of what to do at the end? 😭 but yea I hope you guys enjoyed, and let me know what you think about the other fic I'll make! Thank you and I love you all. I am completely and utterly shocked at 1.28k reads?? This is absolutely crazy omg. Thank you sooo much everyone!! Ily 😭❤❤❤❤ I truly don't know how to thank you guys. I promise to try to make the other chap as long as I can ok!! Thank you again guys and that'll be all, bye loves 💜💜💜❤💙💙

Comments are greatly appreciated.

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