chapter. 11

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After everything that happened that morning, hyunjin didn't have time to answer jeongin's call. He dressed up quickly in order to leave Felix's house before his mom came home. They were currently both at the doorway, hugging and saying their last goodbye with sadness in their voices, even though knowing damn well they'd see each other at school.

So after hyunjin left, he sent jeongin a quick text asking, 'What's up?'. He was still in quite shock at the fact the younger was even talking to him. After what happened.. He didn't know if jeongin would be able to face him ever again. And now hyunjin is basically stuck to being around him now that he's Felix's best friend. If he wants to hang out with Felix, he'd have to hang out with jeongin as well.

He groaned, kicking a rock below his feet on the walk to school. Was he cursed or something? Just as he was about to continue thinking deeper on that fact, somebody slightly shorter bumped right into him. And he didn't even curse at them or get mad because he knew it was his fault, not paying attention to where he was going.

"Ah- sorry, mate" as hyunjin finally looked up, he saw a boy with round cheeks looking at him with a concerned look laced in his eyes. "You okay?" Hyunjin couldn't help but notice that the boy very much resembled a squirrel. With a small grunt, he finally got off the ground, dusting off his pants after and nodding to the other male. "Yea. Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

Said squirrel boy gives him a very bright smile hyunjin's afraid he might become blind due to how bright it was. "Nahh, you're good! I'm han jisung, by the way." After that, jisung is extending his hand towards hyunjin, silently asking for a handshake. Hyunjin gladly engulfs his hand in his, showing him a small grin "I'm hwang hyunjin." "Nice to meet you, hyunjin! What's your first class?" Hyunjin realizes soon enough that the squirrel boy is his typical loud high school boy that gets along with everyone. As jisung walks beside him, wrapping his arm around hyunjin's shoulder, they soon began walking to their class, chatting along the way. Turns out hyunjin had his first class with him. Great. He just wanted to see Felix..

◦•●◉✿ 10 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟✿◉●•◦

Finally once Felix arrived, he walked into his first class, immediately looking for the familiar black long hair at the desks, only to find him... With someone else. He continued watching silently for a while as the squirrel boy beside him kept on rambling about something Felix couldn't hear. His arms were wrapped around hyunjin's shoulders and hyunjin just sat beside him quietly, nodding as he listened to what the other was saying. At first it was fine, Felix didn't mind much. It's great that hyunjin has other friends to hang out with other than Felix, of course. That is, until the other boy is leaning way too close to hyunjin, whispering something Into his ear and biting his lip afterwards while looking at the long haired male.

Hyunjin's eyes are opening in shock, before pushing the other by the shoulder lightly, a dumb grin on his face as he shakes his head with his eyes closed. Felix feels his heart fall to his stomach, suddenly feeling slight anxiety and jealousy all at the same. He knows him and hyunjin aren't dating, but after the things they did, Did it really not mean anything to him? He purses his lips, before finally walking over to the others, sitting in the desk right beside hyunjin. He wore a pout on his face while crossing his arms, and as hyunjin finally noticed him, he was immediately talking to Felix with a hyper voice, before he noticed the others mood and his eyes automatically hold concern in them "Hi, love- What's wrong, lixie?" He asks in a gentle voice. And Felix feels slightly confused at that. Why would he call him love in front of the other person he was literally just flirting with? Nonetheless, he keeps on a straight face as he says, "well, you didn't answer my text when I told you I was finally heading to class. And I get here just to see you with someone else?" He pouts more before looking down to the ground, genuine sadness lacing his voice.

Then hyunjin is looking at him with the softest smile ever Felix is literally melting in his seat, trying his best not to show it. "Oh, baby.. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to charge my phone this morning." He runs his fingers through Felix's hair slowly before moving farther back to allow Felix to see the other male looking at him with an awkward smile. "This is my new friend han jisung, I just met him today. And turns out we have first class together." Then jisung is looking at him with a huge grin, extending his hand out for Felix to shake. "Nice to meet you! I hope to get along with you just as I do with hyunjin. He's told me lots about you, as well~" he finishes his sentence with a wink towards Felix. Felix smiles at him, finally holding jisung's hand in his and giving him a firm handshake. And he may seem stable on the outside, but on the inside, he was most definitely dying. He mentally slapped himself. 'I'm so stupid. Why'd I just automatically assume hyunjin would be flirting with somebody else like that?" He knew hyunjin wasn't like that, why else would he have a huge crush on him? The boy was literally so sweet and loyal, in Felix's opinion, that's what you call perfect. Find yourself someone like hwang hyunjin.

Felix sighed as he shook his head a bit, watching the way hyunjin giggled while covering his mouth to something the squirrel boy was saying. He smiled at the other. How could hyunjin look so beautiful just simply sitting there? He didn't know how it was possible. Then he was reaching his hand down to hyunjin's thigh, finally reaching the tallers hand and intertwining their fingers. Hyunjin stops saying whatever he was talking about for a moment before continuing, squeezing Felix's hand in his with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, hyunjin gets a message that lights his phone up, and Felix didn't mean to, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of who it was. Jeongin? Felix frowned a bit in confusion for a moment, only to quickly put on a smile again once hyunjin was grabbing his phone off the desk, swiping his thumbs across the screen as he gave the other boy an answer. Felix couldn't see what innie said, only able to make out a few of the words, which were 'sorry, I know, sudden, mom' as Felix's eyebrows furrowed together, he continued trying to make out what that could mean. Why would they be talking about someone's mom? And why was innie sorry? He was beyond confused right now, but hyunjin was finally putting his phone back down, quickly looking for Felix's hand to hold it in his again, and Felix's thoughts are soon dissipating. He doesn't know how much he told jisung, exactly. But he finds himself not caring, closing his eyes tiredly as he lays his head on the tallers warm shoulder. Hyunjin is soon running his fingers through his blonde hair, and Felix tries his best not to fall asleep then and there.

Finally the teacher got there, sooner than expected as the school principal announced they would be gone for almost an hour but whatever at least Felix wouldn't fall asleep now. Taking his notebook and pencils out, he was ready to begin studying. And of course he couldn't say no when the love of his life asks Felix if he could borrow a pencil with that stupidly warm smile of his. Their hands stay tangled on hyunjin's lap throughout the whole lesson. And Felix couldn't be happier.

But who knew how long that happiness would last?


Hii, everyone! I know this isn't 3k words long like I said..and I'm so so sorry I haven't updated, I haven't been feeling motivated to do anything lately :(( plus I'm getting pretty busy with other things and it's just aghh sorry :(((( idk how else I can make it up to you guys. I know this chap is pretty short but I promise the next one will be longer.. It's not just the fact I'm feeling mentally tired, but I've been having a huge writers block as well :/ so like I said before, if you guys would like to give any feedback I would appreciate it so so much. And don't forget to go to my account and read the message I posted on conversations and let me know what you think 🙏. Sorry again and I promise to write another chap as soon as this writers block goes away 💜💜 have a safe and wonderful day, loves. Thank you!

Comments are greatly appreciated.

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