Chapter. 16

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To say the day was going well was an understatement. This probably had to be the best date Felix has ever been to. Not only was the love of his life, hyunjin, here, giving him soft gazes with a loving look and the cutest kisses along his freckled cheeks when he had the chance, but also because his other friends were there. Jisung and minho were sparking up a relationship, and it was the cutest thing to witness. While jeongin and seungmin on the other hand, were a bit less subtle about it. It's been around some weeks since they all started getting along.

Hyunjin shortly left the table to go and get their drinks, and jeongin was immediately looking at him with a smirk on his face.

"So, lixie.. How's it going with him?" Felix's eyes widen a bit as he hears what jeongin asked, but after that a soft blush and smile are taking over. As jeongin sees his expression, his face soon takes on a disgusted look. "Oh my god, you're whipped!" He exclaims, making sure not to say it too loudly, and Felix gives jeongin and annoyed look after, but once again he's looking down with a shy smile, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he thinks about it. "Okay, look. Maybe I am... But, I can't help it!! How can I not be when he's so perfect?? Ugh, You don't get it, innie." Jeongin giggles at that, and he nods in understanding. "Okay, you're right. I may not get it, but actually.. I may be falling in love with seungmin already? I mean, this is our first date and I already feel like we've been dating for months.., is it bad?" A blush is covering his cheeks and Felix can't help but coo at the youngest one. Seungmin was currently using the bathroom at the cafe so jeongin could easily tell Felix those news.

"Aww, my baby innie!! Finally??" Felix squeals, scooting over to jeongin, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pinching his cheek playfully. Jeongin tries to push him off, an embarrassed grin on his face. "Ya, yongbok! It's not that serious, come on!!" Felix gasps, looking at jeongin with a shocked look on his face. "It is to me!! It's been so long since I've seen you this interested in anyone, innie. And.. It's truly adorable. You're adorable, and I might actually cry right now!" He fake sobs, wiping at his eyes dramatically. Jeongin looks at him with narrowed eyes, trying his best to look mad but he knows he can never be seriously mad at his best friend. Felix lets out yet another sigh, "ah, no but, all jokes aside. It really is great seeing you so happy. I love you so much my baby bread" he pulls him in closer and presses a huge kiss onto his dimpled cheek. Jeongin's annoyed face is immediately gone, and he let's out cute chuckles as he ruffles Felix's blonde hair.

As they're emerged in their own conversation, they don't even notice hyunjin and seungmin are already back at the table, hyunjin looks at them with a fond smile, and soon Felix is getting up to go back to his seat with his boyfriend, while seungmin reclaims his spot next to jeongin. As Felix helps hyunjin set down all the drinks and food, they all eventually dig in, talking and just enjoying their time there. Hyunjin has an arm wrapped around Felix's waist, and Felix can smell his cologne due to how close they are. He can't really concentrate, not with the way hyunjins hand kept rubbing his hip slowly, and the way he kept licking his lips everytime he looked at him. It made it extremely hard for Felix to hold back. But finally, hyunjin removed his hand to take his hot drink, carefully holding it between both of his palms as he took some sips. The blonde smiled at him, as he realized hyunjin looked extremely cute in his outfit right now and all he wanted to do was lay in bed with him while they kissed, legs intertwined as they watched some random movie.. Or maybe, maybe Felix wanted hyunjin the one to be in between his legs instead, their mouths breathing into each other, hungry for more, their hands roaming over each other's body, hyunjin's hands reaching places he's never had anyone touch before.

And Felix sucks in a sharp breath, covering his mouth as he clears his throat, trying his best to stay in conversation and listen to whatever jisung was currently saying. He shouldn't be having those thoughts right now and he knows it. But as he's currently trying to clear his mind, he sees hyunjin looking at him from the side of his eye, a slight smirk on his lips as his hand comes down to the blondes thigh, rubbing it slowly. Felix's face was extremely red, and how wouldn't hyunjin notice?. "You okay, angel?" Hyunjin slightly whispers, making sure only Felix could hear him. And there's a hint of lust in his low voice, a hint of want and knowing. And Felix had to bite his lip in order not to jump on hyunjin then and there, trying his best to keep his composure. He gives the taller a nod, looking at him with a shy smile. Finally, he admits, "yeah, just.. Thinking about you."

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