Chapter. 7

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School was finally over. And as hyunjin and Felix continue to walk, the weather suddenly starts getting colder. Felix shivers, wrapping his arms around himself. And although he had a pretty thick hoodie on, he unfortunately didn't have a shirt under, so it was basically no help. He continued to shiver quietly beside hyunjin, realizing the older was way too far from him and soon got closer to the taller instead, feeling much better with the body heat slightly radiating from the other boy.

As he was having second thoughts about that ice cream, suddenly the angel beside him speaks up, "hm.. It's pretty cold, right?" Hyunjin says as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. And Felix just nods beside him, not having the courage to speak without his words shaking from the cold. He was basically dying.

But of course, hyunjin being the angel he is, he had to make sure Felix was okay, finding it weird that the blonde boy didn't respond. And once he looks at him, his eyes open in shock, he almost wants to laugh, but at the same time he feels bad for the adorable boy, watching the other struggling to keep his arms around himself, biting his lips to stop them from shivering, and seeing the way he looks like he almost wants to cry. His lips turning into a small pout and a sniffle leaves his nose as he starts to shiver again.

"Felix.. " hyunjin says, continuing to look at the smaller boy. And he's surprised at how affectionate that one simple thing he said sounded. But at this point he didn't care, quickly wrapping his arm around Felix's shoulder and pulling him close to his side. "Angel. Are you cold? Wanna go into a cafe and order some warm coffee instead?"

And Felix immediately felt warmer. Not just by the warmth of the other but also simply from the way hyunjin spoke to him, so soft and caring. Like he truly cared about him. And he called him angel?? Felix felt like he was about to faint. He might actually cry now, and this time it won't be because of the cold. He felt his heart speeding up and he sighs.. He really loves hyunjin.

Then suddenly Felix is looking at him with those round and pretty eyes of his, making hyunjin completely melt. He feels his cheeks heat up a bit and he has to clear his throat, quickly looking away from those captivating eyes before his mind started wandering to where it shouldn't be. And Felix is finally speaking again, with the quietest and softest voice, "A little and cozy cafe sounds so nice.. But.. I'm.. Not a big fan of c-coffee. Is that okay? " He lets out a small cough after that, and he hopes hyunjin had the patience for how slow he was speaking, trying his best not to shiver and stutter in the middle of that sentence, not wanting to make a fool of himself.

But after that he really wasn't expecting the most gorgeous smile to be thrown towards him and the way hyunjin looked at him with so much care in his eyes. "Of course it is, angel. You can get like a warm chocolate or something, there's plenty of other options, not just coffee" and Felix can't help but also give hyunjin his most excited smile, slightly jumping beside the taller. "Alright then, let's go!"

As they continued walking, hyunjin was getting frustrated at the way his arm was getting tired around Felix's shoulders, and at the way it kept slipping off and he had to constantly place it back on there. He sighed frustratedly as his arm fell off Felix's small shoulders for about the 6th or 7th time, and he debates giving up instead, running his hands through his hair and sighing as he watches the boy beside him start to shiver again.

Felix looks beside him, hearing the small sighs from the taller and he looks at him concerned, his eye brows knitting together at the middle in confusion and worry. "What's wrong, hyunjin?" He asks, obvious concern lacing his voice and hyunjin immediately feels his frustration melt away at the other boy, especially when he sees those eyes staring into his, and he's not sure if this was too sudden, but he couldn't hold back the urge to touch Felix's soft looking cheeks any more, and so he gently places his palm onto his soft cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb.

"Sorry, angel. I just wanted to keep you warm but my arm around you isn't cooperating." He says and once again sighs, feeling Felix's warm cheek against his hand turn even warmer, and he feels said cheek slightly curve as the his lips also curve up into a bright smile.

"Aww, hyunjin. You don't need to worry about that! Just being beside you is enough, haha." Felix let's out shyly, suddenly feeling awkward at the sudden confidence. But it's true, as long as hyunjin was beside him, he's more than happy. And he continues to laugh as he watches the way the other boy pouts, slightly kicking the floor.

"Noo, I'm supposed to keep you warm and protect you!" He let's out a whine and Felix continues to giggle, holding onto his stomach from how hard he was laughing. "Gosh, hyunjin, don't be so loud!" He says, basically wiping tears off his eyes, he couldn't believe his crush was this cute and fun to be around with. He was having such a good time.

And as hyunjin finally stopped the silly antics, he lets out a slight gasp, feeling like a light bulb above his head had been switched on. And Felix places his hand on his mouth, giggling quietly behind it because the taller looked so funny to him but as soon as hyunjin let out more words, Felix's eyes widened and his face felt redder than a tomatoe.

"Then.. If your shoulder won't work.. Would you mind if I hold onto your waist instead?"


Yo... Chill hyunjinnn 😨 anywayss, hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in some days, I've been busy with school and other life problems, yknoww? 😭😭 I hope y'all can forgive me with this slightly longer chap.. Up to 1k words! Wooo how did I do that?? No idea. And guys... Guys... Come onnn, 200 reads? Are y'all being fr? This is so.. Omg. I dont even know what to say 😭 thank you all so so so much. I truly love y'all. And btw, I'm so sorry if some of it is a bit confusing,(both the chapter and the ending note) I sort of wrote this in a rush and I am extremely sleepy rn. Soo, I will go and get that very much needed sleep now! Thank you all and bye, have a wonderful time! 💜💜❤

Comments are greatly appreciated.

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