The Get Together. (Epilogue)

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Hyunjin and Felix were having the best life ever. They were all together with their friends, having a small party at a small drinking bar. Hyunjin couldn't take his eyes off Felix, he looked so breathtakingly beautiful. And Felix knew, by the shy glances he kept giving hyunjin, and by the way his cheeks tinted pink. Hyunjin kept him close at all times. He kept whispering sweet but naughty words into his ear, until changbin told them to get a room and hyunjin actually felt embarrassed, pressing a small kiss onto lix's cheek before pulling away. Felix pouted, but he knew changbin was right. They were here to have with the others.

As soon as they saw changbin, bangchan, han, Lee know and even the youngests Jump onto the floor, they were all dancing funnily and Felix wanted to join, immediately gripping onto hyunjin's hand to bring his attention to the others, but once he thought about it, he bit his lip. He's not sure if they'll be able to keep their hands off each other.

Instead, he placed a kiss onto the tallers cheek, quickly telling him that he wanted to go dance with the others. Hyunjin was reluctant to let go at first but eventually did. He didn't want to be overly possessive with his angel and didn't want to scare him off. Felix squealed happily, finally joining the others. He did some weird dances, a silly contrast to his hot outfit, and the others immediately bursted out laughing at him. Hyunjin spared a glance at them, almost spitting out his drink at the sight of his angel as he couldn't hold his chuckles in as well.

They continued dancing, just having fun. Hyunjin joined at some point, but Felix tutted at him with a little finger to keep his hands away cause he know he wouldn't be able to resist. Hyunjin understood, and eventually ended up doing some weird dances with Minho, Felix grinned at that, grabbing jisungs hands to do some dances with him too. They giggled happily. Jisung pulled Felix in closer to whisper into his ear. "How's it going with hyunjin?" Felix looked at him with wide eyes and pulled away a bit, knowing if hyunjin saw them he might get jealous. "Great!" He said with a grin, shouting over the music.

Suddenly, a famous girl group song started playing, Maniac by ViviZ. Changbin shouted, "yo, this is my song!!" And in the middle of the dance floor started basically twerking. Everyone watched in shock. Jisung fell to his knees, not able to hold in his laugh. Everyone else started laughing as well, loving changbin's confidence. Felix couldn't help but notice how Chan's eyes lingered for a bit too long on changbin's booty. He giggled, he was definitely going to ask chan about that later.

After all the fun, a slow romantic song came on. They all got with their respectful partners. Although chan, a bit shyly, asked changbin if he wanted to dance with him. Changbin fake slapped his chest in a silly manner, before finally agreeing and getting into Chan's personal space to start the dance. Hyunjins arms were wrapped around Felix's waist, while Felix's arms were wrapped around hyunjin's shoulder. Felix looked up at the love of his life, a small smile playing on his lips. Hyunjin leaned down, pressing a small kiss onto the blondes forehead. Felix sighed, humming along to the familiar song. From the distance, he can see jeongin and seungmin, wrapped up in each other's arms. And jeongin looked so tiny in Seungmin's arms, it made Felix smile even wider.

Jeongin was blushing, looking away from seungmin with a shy smile. He guesses seungmin rizzed him up? Felix was about to laugh at the thought, before they were eventually interrupted from the man before him. "You look so beautiful today, angel." Felix looked up at him, and once he did, he felt soft lips pressing them selves against his. He moaned quietly at the sudden feeling, hoping nobody else heard. And as they ended up getting lost in the sea of bodies, nobody caring about what they did, hyunjin took it a bit further, sliding his hands down to Felix's ass, getting a nice feel of the juicyness. "I can't resist when you look this delicious, yongbok-ah."

He whispers against his boyfriend's lips, and Felix bites hyunjin's bottom lip, wanting more. They've both been pretty busy with school, meaning they had no time to themselves lately, barely cuddling. So of course he was just as desperate. With one last press of his body against hyunjin's, he broke the kiss. He looked up at him through his lashes, soft breaths coming out of  his wet lips. "Take me home, hyun." And that is exactly what he did. Not even making sure to notify the others as they basically ran out of the bar. And as guilty as Felix felt, was as much as he wanted to get under hyunjin's clothes. They'll call them later.

The end.


Omegaverse coming soon.

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