Chapter. 17

945 29 17

Pure, filthy smut 😏😏


"Wow, you guys couldn't wait till you got home at least?"

Seungmin is looking at them with a smug grin on his face, sleepy jeongin looking at the couple on his shoulder, displaying a face of disgust. "Get a room, guys" he whined, and hyunjin was just sitting there in shock, staring at the other two. And due to how sleepy felix was, he didn't even realize they were there, and just continued with whatever he was doing, which meant currently kissing down hyunjin's neck. Hyunjin bit his lip, trying to get the blonde off of him as jeongin and seungmin hopped into the back seat. He didn't want to risk popping a boner right then and there, right? So with one last kiss against Felix's forehead, he started pushing him away gently by his shoulders. The younger was taken aback, looking at him with a pout on his face as he rubbed his eyes sleepily, hyunjin couldn't help but coo at his baby. He gave Felix a small smile, as he brought his hand up against Felix's blonde hair, placing his hair behind his ear gently. "Angel, let's go home. I also need to drop off innie and seung, remember?" And Felix let out a whine at that, shaking his head as he tried scooting to hyunjin, wanting to get comfortable again. Hyunjin let out a chuckle at the other's adorable actions. "Come on, baby. We can lay down at home all you want, yeah? But I need to drive right now." He whispered the beginning, not really wanting to be teased about how whipped he is for Felix, but without him even knowing, the other two were already peacefully sleeping in the back, cuddling like cuties.

With one last huff and whine, Felix finally started climbing off his lover's lap and into the passenger seat, immediately getting comfortable and closing his eyes to drift into sleep, forgetting about the belt that was mandatory to keep him safe. Hyunjin tch'd quietly at that, yet there was still a fond smile tugging at his lips as he grabbed the belt from the other side of Felix's seat, draping it over his small body and finally locking it into place. Feeling hyunjins arm over him, he opened his eyes and looked at hyunjin, gripping the tallers arm and hugging it as he snuggled his face into his arm, seeking his boyfriend's warmth. Hyunjin chuckled at that once again, before just deciding to leave his arm there, not wanting to disturb his baby any further. As he turned back to the steering wheel, he somehow managed to get his own belt on, and placed his other hand on the steering wheel, finally turning on the car and driving out of the Parkway they were currently in, the radio turning on in the process. Little did he know, his little rascal wasn't fully asleep, and he was peacefully watching his beautiful boyfriend drive them with the most endearing look on his face. He snuggled deeper against hyunjin's warm embrace with a peaceful smile on his lips.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Some minutes later, they finally got to Seungmin's house, jeongin wanted to cuddle so he decided to stay over at seungmin's as well. (😏🤭)
After dropping them off, they both hopped back into hyunjin's car. Of course Felix was more than awake now, having to give jeongin a big kiss on his cheek along with the biggest bone crushing hug he could give his best friend before saying goodbye. He was a bit reluctant to let him go with seungmin at first, but finally after some convincing from hyunjin, he was able to let his baby bread go with his so called crush. And when he thought about it, he could trust seungmin to treat him right. Felix sighed, relaxing into the passenger seat once again, but this time without sleep consuming his mind. A smile appeared on his face as hyunjin's large hand was soon on his thigh, and he threw his head back against the seat gently, causing hyunjin to lean closer towards him, pressing his nose against the blondes neck, inhaling deeply. Felix shivered at the sensation, his hand coming up to tangle his fingers into the other's long locks. Hyunjin let out a soft grunt against his neck as he felt Felix's short fingers entangle themselves in his hair, and he let out a low chuckle as he said, "you always smell so good angel, I just want to eat you up." His warm breath hitting Felix's skin, making him bite his lip and close his eyes in pleasure. Soon enough, it wasn't hyunjin's nose but his lips taking over instead. He placed small and slow kisses over the soft skin there, along with his tongue poking out at times, teasing the other.

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