Chapter. 8

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You could say their short walk to the cafe was more than peaceful, with HyunJin's arm wrapped around Felix's small waist and Felix a blushing mess beside him, trying his best to keep his cool. And as they continued walking in comfortable silence, they've finally arrived at their destination, the bell of the cafe door ringing as soon as they walked in. Luckily it was sort of empty, around 5 people in the small shop, some ordering and some just enjoying their warm drinks for the cold weather in their cozy chairs.

As Felix and hyunjin walked to the line, Felix feels more than embarrassed now then when he was outside. The cafe having bright lights, making everything clearly visible, including the taller one's bigger hand around his waist, and he had to sort of place his arm in front of HyunJin's hand, trying to hide it as best as he can.

As they continue waiting for the 2 people in front of them to finish ordering, hyunjin decides to read some of the orders displayed behind the counter. "Angel. What would you like to drink? There's plenty of options.. Hot chocolate, hot apple cider... Tea, ooh and even milkshakes, although it's a bit too cold for that haha." As hyunjin laughs, Felix can't help but notice his hand squeezing his hip slightly and he feels his face flush even more, nonetheless he tries his best to stay calm and takes in a quiet breath.

"Hmm.. Thats okay, I think I'll just go with some hot chocolate. What will you order?" He asks hyunjin and the other finally stops looking at the menu above, staring into the others eyes, Felix almost wants to look away, feeling like the other was looking at him in a somewhat intimate way, especially with the way he licked his lips before giving him a bright grin, "Ill just be ordering an americano."

As Felix is about to answer, finally recovering from the shock of the others stare towards him, he realizes that the people in front of them were gone and it was now their turn to order. "Welcome to Bboki's Cafe, what would you gentlemen like to order?" The lady behind the counter speaks sweetly with a warm smile, giving them a small bow. Both Hyunjin and Felix return the smile, bowing down to her slightly as well and finally hyunjin is speaking up, "just one hot americano and a hot chocolate, please." She nods, quickly typing the order into the screen on the counter, "your order will be ready soon, you can go and have a seat." They nod and give her one last bow before walking away and looking for a good seat, soon setting on one near the huge window, displaying the outside and all the busy people on the streets.

At first hyunjin was hesitant to let go of Felix, but there was no way they could have sat next to each other as it was a table only for two, but eventually agreed to it as Felix told him he'd let him hold onto him again once they were done. Felix smiled, replaying the memory in his mind, 'hyunjin could really be like a child sometimes' he thinks to himself as he let's out a little giggle and shakes his head.

Hyunjin finally looks up from his phone at that, looking at Felix with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile on his face, the younger looked weirdly cute at the way he was just staring into space and laughing at himself. "What're you laughing about, Felix?" And Felix finally looks at hyunjin, eyes wide and a blush spreading on his cheeks when he realizes he was just zoning out and laughing at literally nothing, he must have looked really dumb. He brings his hands to his face, cupping his warm cheeks with his palms as he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. This time it was HyunJin's turn to let out a giggle, watching the other fondly as he continued to breathe in and out, the redness on his cheeks fading a bit and Felix was finally opening his eyes once again, staring right into HyunJin's as a small smile tugged onto his lips.

"Sorry, jinnie.. I was just thinking about how cute you are" and now it was HyunJin's cheeks quickly heating up, and he coughed once, twice, before he was finally able feel the air going through his lungs. That was too sudden, how could the gorgeous blonde boy in front of him say something like that so casually and not expect him to get a heart attack?? This time it was hyunjin trying to calm himself down by breathing slowly, watching the way Felix just continued to stare at him with nothing but admiration in his eyes. Soon enough though, the next thing he saw Felix doing was receive their drinks from the waiter, placing HyunJin's americano in front of him as he took a sip of his chocolate. Hyunjin didn't even take a sip of his own, too lost admiring the way the freckled boy immediately melted by the warm drink, slumping into his chair comfortably while holding the drink in his small hands. Hyunjin wanted to hold him. To be close to him and be able to kiss those soft cheeks of his. He wanted that so bad... But as his thoughts started drifting, Felix was soon reaching into his pockets for something that hyunjin quickly catches a glimpse of. A wallet.

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