Chapter. 3

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So sorry everyone this is just a short chap but since I promised y'all a update here you go! Enjoy <3


As Felix and hyunjin walked over to the cafeteria Felix was about to explode from nervousness. He doesn't know how he somehow managed to act normal and talk to hyunjin when now he was literally freaking out. He was debating on whether he should just tell hyunjin he has to go to the bathroom and secretly ditch for an excuse on not to have to face or talk to hyunjin any more than he can. Maybe hyunjin will find jeongin and they'll get along and he wouldn't even have to be there!

But just as he was about to finally make a decision the swirling thoughts in his head came to a stop as he noticed they have reached the cafeteria. It was slowly filling up with more and more students and he gulped nervously. He's doomed.

From there he can see jeongin's blonde hair with his headphones on at their usual lunch table and he had to mentally slap himself because now how the hell was he supposed to tell the dimpled boy about his crush?

He sighed quietly, feeling frustrated and extremely hot. The weather was nearing summer and he dreaded it. That meant no more thick hoodies and he's gonna somehow have to find good outfits that hopefully won't cause him a heatstroke and still look good. His thoughts were once again interrupted by the boy that Felix completely forgot about. "Uh.. You feeling ok, Felix? We've been standing here for a while now."

And Felix mentally facepalmed. He was just too absorbed in his small pea brain to realize hyunjin had been waiting for them to start walking. "Yea, it's just kinda hot, you know." He said, letting out an exaggerated sigh because he really didn't want to walk over to the table he and his best friend are usually at knowing hyunjin is going to be following him and will eventually sit there as well.

But he just decided to quit acting like a spoiled brat and quickly fixed his backpack straps, pushing it up a bit more on his back as he turned on his heels and finally started walking.

"It's hot? I don't feel hot at all." The taller one said beside him with a shrug. And Felix kind of wanted to slap him as well, the weather definetely ruining his mood but he just quickly bit his lip in order not to say anything too rude, knowing it was unnecessary.

They finally reached their destination and he quickly slipped off the heavy backpack, placing it beside him on the chair as he sat next to jeongin. He let out a small "Hi, innie" somehow feeling more embarrassed than usual with his crush sitting right across from him. "Felix! I've missed you" jeongin says as he quickly hugs the said boy, showing off his adorable dimples and as Felix is about to respond the other blonde is already looking forward, his face quickly changing into a shocked one,



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So.. I was kind of thinking about it and.. Should I add some drama? Ofc I still don't know how the story line should go and I'm kinda just going with the flow but now I'm really starting to run out of ideas. Nonetheless, like always I hope you enjoyed and once again, I appreciate you all :)

Thanks for reading and I would really like to know your thoughts on this <3

Sorry for any mistakes :(.

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