Chapter. 15

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Just a quick warning, not smut, but they might do something a bit sus... 😏🤭

It was a rainy and gloomy day. Anyone else in their houses might be as bored as ever, wondering what to do on this boring evening. But not Felix. He's always loved rainy days, even more now as he's laying on his couch, engulfed in his lover's arms and their warm blankets as they watched the silly movie playing in front of them. His hands occupied as he holds a mug of hot chocolate in them. He giggles at a certain scene in the movie, leaning even closer against hyunjin's warm body, although he basically shivers as he feels the others cold fingers along his waist, gripping it gently.

It's been a few days since they became a couple, And they couldn't be more than happy. Their new friend jisung getting along with basically all of their friends now, minho, jeongin and seungmin as he was newly announced Into the friend group as well. Felix was extremely happy for jeongin at that, as he now knew about the youngers little crush on him after they finally got some misunderstandings cleared up once they had a talk like hyunjin suggested. As Felix continues thinking quietly, he couldn't really pay much attention to the movie any more. He doesn't quite remember when the tallers hands slid under his big hoodie, or when the soft touches along his tummy and waist started feeling like more than just a gentle carress.

He tried to stay as still as he can, feeling himself heat up more and more down there as hyunjin's long fingers continued dancing along his ribcage, then moving back down to his waist, squeezing the skin there. The blonde shivered, squirming lightly at the sensitivity. He's always been overly sensitive, it's the one thing hyunjin absolutely loved about him. But the small touches weren't causing much till now. Felix gulped, hoping that would somehow wash away the arousal that was starting to build up inside of him as he brought the mug in his hands to his lips, taking a long and careful sip, trying his best not to let out a moan and embarrass himself as the other brought his hand up over his chest, brushing over one of his nipples gently.

Felix shivered once again, not expecting the sudden coldness of the others fingers on his now hard nipples, and hyunjin smirked at the younger from the side, making sure to not make it too obvious, the way he was enjoying the other falling apart under his hands silently. His hands went down to his waist again, before moving over to his soft bare thigh, giving it a squeeze. Now Felix definitely didn't expect that, causing a quiet whimper to fall out of his plump lips before looking at hyunjin with wide eyes. After the cute reaction he got, hyunjin couldn't help but look at Felix with that same smirk, now more of a teasing smile and show him that he has, in fact, been doing it on purpose.

The blonde's face was red, and as he lets out a, "hyunjin, what are you doing? We're supposed to be watching the.." Hyunjin can barely even understand what he said, too intoxicated by the sight, sounds and smell of his gorgeous boyfriend sitting there in the cutest outfit with the cutest face ready for anything hyunjin would give him. The long-haired male simply ignored him, bringing his face closer to the blondes neck as he placed his nose right on the skin gently, inhaling the other's delicious smell of his strawberry shampoo. "Why do you smell even more delicious than usual right now, yongbokkie?" He grunted, letting his hand slide up the others chest once again, only to run his finger over one of his hard buds. Felix mewled at that, arching his back slightly, trying to push his chest towards hyunjin's hand for more. And hyunjin grinned against his neck at the action, before finally placing his wet lips over the soft skin, giving it slow and hot kisses.

"Hyunjin.." Felix panted, bringing his own hand into his hoodie to grab the others wrist, moaning and throwing his head back at the way the other's skillful fingers continued playing with his nipple gently, rubbing and pulling it, all while the kisses on his neck were starting to get a bit more rough, and Felix was completely gone.

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