Chapter. 10

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Felix groaned, opening his eyes slowly only to immediately close them again after the ray of sun shone right in his eyes, causing a headache to erupt. His eyes felt heavy, wanting to go back to sleep as soon as he can but feeling too uncomfortable with the press of something warm and hot against his side.

He sighed quietly, finally opening his eyes, letting them adjust to the bright light coming from the window. Only for them to open wide in shock from the face he catches a glimpse of right beside him, eyes closed and mouth slightly agape, sleeping peacefully.

He felt himself blush deeply at the gorgeous male laying in his bed, no worries on his face and pure bliss, his arms wrapped tightly around Felix's small waist. Felix brings his hand up then, tracing it slowly over the others nose and cheeks slowly, then proceeding to lightly shove the stray strands of hair away from his beautiful face. He couldn't help but admire the other. He was truly so beautiful.

Felix felt nothing but fondness swell up in his heart at the way the others eyes opened up slowly, taking in the blondes morning face, making a small smile appear on his lips. Felix quickly retracted his hand, looking away from the other as he suddenly felt too shy just from his mere presence. "Morning, angel." Hyunjin lets out in a low raspy voice, sounding deeper than usual. And Felix has to inhale then exhale to calm his breathing and his racing thoughts.

"M-morning.." He lets out in a soft voice, only looking into the others eyes again once he feels him cupping his jaw and pulling him closer gently. Soon there's barely any space between them as they continue to stare into each other's eyes, hyunjin's knees suddenly feeling weak at the way the others eyes look at him with such admiration, and he can't help but want to taste the others lips then and there, wanting nothing more than to repeat the actions of yesterday with the blonde boy. But first, "how do you feel, love?" He asks Felix softly, before running his fingers through his soft hair.

And Felix feels his face flush once again, the sinful actions from yesterday replaying in his dazed mind. And he clears his throat slightly before parting his lips, about to answer the question before he's soon interrupted by a ring on his phone, piercing through his ears as he groans, reaching over to his small nightstand table to stop the annoying ringing, only for his eyes to wide in panic, seeing as it was his mom calling.

"Shit- it's my mom." He sits up then, quickly answering the call while looking at hyunjin, pressing a finger to his lips, indicating for the other to stay silent. "Yea, mom?" He bites his lip. After picking up his phone, he caught a glimpse of the time, it was currently 7:54 and his mom came home at 8:20. "Bokkie, I'm so glad you're awake. You know I'll be home soon, but just in case you get hungry, I've left you some breakfast I made in the fridge, alright? All you have to do is heat it up." He hears his mom speak softly, and he nods although she can't see him. "Okay. Thanks mom, I'll see you once you get back." He answered shortly, trying his best to keep his voice under wraps, not wanting the panic to be evident.

"Okay, sweetie. Bye!" She said quickly before hanging up. And once Felix makes sure the call was completely done, he tosses his phone beside himself, sighing as he lays back onto the bed. Hyunjin puts his phone down at that, as well. Watching the younger stretch his limbs and smiling at him before pulling him close, wrapping his arms tight around his waist and nuzzling his nose into the others neck, inhaling his sweet strawberry smell. Felix hummed softly, extremely content with the other's arms around him, but sadly enough, it's gonna have to end soon. "My mom's gonna be here soon, hyunjinnie." He says with slight melancholy in his voice, not wanting to leave the other's warmth.

Hyunjin nods, pressing light kisses into Felix's soft neck, then mumbling against his skin, "should I get going, then?" Despite his words, his arms around him only get tighter, not wanting to let the freckled boy go. "Yea.. We'll see each other at school." Finally, hyunjin is pulling away from his neck, only to stare at his cute face. He leans in, kissing the youngers cheeks, then runs his thumb over his bottom lip, feeling the plumpness of it under his finger pad. Felix smiles, pulling the other closer before entangling his hands into his hair, wanting nothing more than his lips on his. And hyunjin obliges, of course not being able to deny anything Felix ever wanted. And his hands are gripping the other's hips, as he's sliding his lips smoothly and gently over Felix's. Hyunjin grunts softly, addicted to the way Felix's lips are somehow always so sweet. His hand slips under the blondes shirt, only for it to wander farther up, running it over his small abs and pecs, before soon finding the other's nipple, running his fingers over it before giving it a slight tug. Felix shudders immediately, moaning as he arches his back and accidentally tugs on hyunjin's hair. "Jinnie~" he lets out in a low whimper against the other's mouth. And he tries to push him away before what they were doing escalated into something more.

"Mm?" Hyunjin continues to kiss him, this time slightly rougher, sliding his tongue into Felix's mouth. Addicted to the other's lips and sounds he continues to let out, causing hyunjin to swallow them all, As the blonde boy continued whining softly here and there. But soon Felix's hand is reaching into his own shirt, gripping hyunjin's wrist and trying to get his hand away from his sensitive nips. "Jinnie, please-" Felix whines out in pleasure, but also worry. Not wanting his mom to get home and catch them in the middle of this mess. Entangled in the sheets, arms wrapped around each other, desperate for release. And as hyunjin Is about to answer, there's a phone ringing through the room once again. This time it wasn't Felix's, though. As the ringtone was much too different.

Hyunjin groans, deciding to ignore the fact his phone kept ringing and just continued kissing the blonde, kissing down to his neck and jaw, licking his neck slowly. Felix moaned, trying to bring hyunjin closer to him but at the same time wanting to push him away. And as much as they tried to ignore the ringing, it just didn't stop. And hyunjin sighed, having to detach his lips from Felix's collar bone as he sits up, running his hand through his hair before finally grabbing his phone that was left beside him, only for his eyes to open in slight shock as he looked at the caller ID.



Hi guys, I'm back! And I'm sorry for this chapter, it was sort of just a filler to give you guys something before I update again. But I promise it will be getting pretty intense soon 😉😉 you'll see. Anyways, I promise to provide you guys with a longer chapter next time. For now, this is all I can give 😭 but I love you guys and hope you're not too tired of the steamy scenes, as there won't be much for the rest of the chapters. Kay, bye everyone! Love you, thanks for reading ❤💜
Bye, have a wonderful time!

Comments are greatly appreciated.

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