Chapter. 12

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**✿❀ Some classes later **

Finally, as they were having lunch, Felix was really really trying to stay in focus and not let his thoughts consume him as hyunjin kept on feeding him the lunch food slowly.

He couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, not being able to get the words he read being exchanged from hyunjin and jeongin out of his brain. Especially with the way jeongin kept shooting daggers at both him and hyunjin from across the table. He cleared his throat and backed up a bit as hyunjin was scooping up yet another piece of the cut fruit to feed him. But quickly puts the spoon down as he notices Felix's sort of distant stare at nothing, and his hand is immediately being placed on the blondes thigh, rubbing it gently as he looks at him with concern in his eyes.

"Something wrong, baby?" Hyunjin asks softly, not sure if the two other people on the table heard. But Felix did, watching the way jeongins eyes grew slightly wider and the sharp intake of breath he took afterwards before looking down at his food that he barely touched. Now for jisung, the squirrel boy just shot a quick glance at them before going back to his game, not wanting to interfere with something that was clearly not his business. Even though he did that literally any other time.

And Felix is just nodding slightly before placing his hand over the one hyunjin currently had on his thigh, giving it a small squeeze before looking at the other with eyes full of love. "Yea.. I just don't think Im too hungry right now, jinnie." And although he just wanted to lean in and kiss the other's smile off those soft lips then and there, he tried his best to hold back as his best friend's eyes were on them once again.

And hyunjin nods at him, bringing his hand up quickly to run his fingers through the blondes hair, loving how soft it felt. And although Felix loved it, he couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable with the lack of conversation at the table. Especially with the fact hyunjin has not glanced towards jeongins direction even once. And his usually loud best friend was as quiet as ever. It had Felix's stomach turning in an uncomfortable manner, and he had to take a sip from his cold water in order to clear his mind at least Just a bit.

Then he was finally looking at jeongin, and the younger was giving him one of those softest smiles ever, his dimples popping out cutely. Felix felt his heart clench at the sight because he wanted to be there next to his friend at that moment. Wanted to hold the younger's soft hands in his and kiss his cheeks like how they usually did to tease each other. And he wanted to do that all while having hyunjin there by his side, ready to tease both him and jeongin till their stomachs started aching from laughter.

Felix pouts a bit as he starts feeling sadness consume him, but before he can say anything, jisung is already putting his phone down and taking the last sips of his drink before smashing it down onto the table loudly, causing other students around them to look their way with shocked or annoyed expressions. And he was soon speaking up, "GUYS!! Since we literally only have one last class, how about we do something after school?"

Felix thinks about it, and realizes it's been a while since he's went out some where. But at the same time he didn't want this to get awkward as hyunjin and jeongin are going to be there as well. Just like now, and Felix wouldn't want something like that to ruin his fun, but before he can say anything, the taller beside him is speaking, squeezing Felix's smaller hand in his. "Sure, as long as yongbok goes as well. Will you, baby?" And god, how can I ever say no?? Felix thinks to himself as he looks at the other's fond eyes. And he's soon nodding to jisung in excitement, wanting nothing more than to spend time with the love of his life for as long as he can. Maybe it can even be like a date, Felix thinks to himself in awe.

Jeongin just continues staring into space for a while before jisung Is wrapping his arm around his shoulder, pulling himself closer to the younger as he shows him something on his phone. Jeongin Is soon giggling and laughing along jisungs side and Felix smiles at them, loving the way he seems happy for now.

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