I Promise

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Lucy Chen
Tim: What's wrong?
Tim: Chen, pick up the phone
Tim: I'll be there in two minutes, don't go anywhere.

Meanwhile, Lucy was being dragged out of the closet by the hair, her feet scraping on the ground.

"Let me fucking go!" Lucy cried, holding onto Chris' hand. Her legs waved around, and her robe was close to coming undone.

Chris sat her on the couch, throwing her against it. She quickly did her robe, then ran from the sofa. She made her way to the kitchen, grabbing a knife. She pointed it to Chris, who was now standing beside her, threatening to cut his face.

"Don't make me hurt you," Chris chuckled, crossing his arms.

"You're drunk," Lucy raised an eyebrow, rolling her eyes. She put the knife back, walking toward him.

"Chris, just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't still talk," Lucy tried softening her voice.

"Don't fucking tell me what I can and can't do."

Chris began placing hands on Lucy, creating newer bruises and cuts.

Lucy cried out, whomping and glancing at the door. He has to come, he'll be here.

As Tim walked through the hallway, he heard yells, then glass breaking. There were slaps and cries coming from the woman. Tim pounded his fist into the door, then furiously ran his key into the knob of the door. He finally entered, stomping onto the floor. Lucy had her elbows on the island, and face in her hands. Tim speeded past her, slamming her bedroom door open. He opened it, finding Chris with a flask in his hand.

Tim closed the door behind him, then came grunts and sounds of glass shattering.

A framed photo of Lucy and Kojo was now on the floor, along with one of Lucy and Tamara.

Tim walked out a few minutes later. His knuckles were white as he close he show hands into tight fists, and there was blood on his knuckles.

His jacket was thrown off his shoulder slightly, and the flask he held in his other hand indicated he clearly knocked out Chris.

He grabbed at the radio on his side, calling for Grey.

Minutes later, there were two troops, along south Sergeant Grey and a few EMT's. After Tim explained the whole debacle, everyone left.

Lucy had not spoken since she saw Tim walk out of her bedroom, only sat at the corner of the living room against her walls. She placed her head in between her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs.

Tim rubbed at his legs, unsure of where they stood. The last they talked, it had been awful. The two were clearly heartbroken.

"Luce," Tim sighed, walking closer.

"I was so scared, Tim. So, scared," Lucy sobbed, she lifted her face slightly so her eyes met his. Her eyes were glossed, and beneath them was a deep shade of red. She's been crying for an hour.

"I know, I know." His voice was soft, swallowing the bile in his throat. His arms reached for her shaking body, placing his hands on her arms. He smoothed his palms over her skin,  then picked her up. His arm runner behind her back, the other arm under her knees.

"I've got you." Tim exhaled, bringing her to the bedroom.

"No, no! Please, I can't stay here tonight," Lucy whined, pulling at his shirt. Her eyes were large, worry piercing through them.

"Okay, okay. You don't have to stay here, you can come to my place, or I could bring you to your mother's?" Tim suggested, looking down with pity and sorrow.

"I'm gonna set you down, is that okay?" He cooed, tilting his head as he walked toward the sofa.

Lucy nodded, grabbing at a pillow as he set her down. She looked at him once, her eyes daring not to fail her. I can't keep crying, not in front of him.

Tim walked into Lucy's bedroom, looking for a large backpack. His eyes scanned the room, and he then walked toward the closet. He turned the knob, opening the door to the small room.

That man shouldn't be getting away with this. I should've punched him more before the police arrived.

He grabbed a few large shirts, and two jackets. He closed his eyes, placing his hand into the top drawer. He grabbed a handful on undergarments, then some socks.

She shouldn't have to go through this.

Tim eyed the bathroom door, then decided against it. I have tooth brushed at home, Angela can stop by and get anything else she may need.

Timothy walked out, finding the girl still in the same position on the couch, her arms tightly hugging onto the throw pillow. She wiped at her tears as she heard his arrival, then began to rise. She collapsed at her feet, slightly falling at the couch. Her hand reached for the arm of the sofa, and she placed on hand on her hand.

"Don't push yourself," said Tim. He reached for her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders.

Her hands reached for his neck, hooking her arms tightly. Her sobs were quiet, and Tim slouched the backpack over his shoulder. "Promise me you won't let him come near me," Lucy shuttered, nuzzling her head into his neck.

"I promise, you don't have to worry about him."

"I have to tell Tamara."

"No, you don't. I've already talked to her, she's staying with a friend for the next few nights. You're staying with me, I've already cleared it with Grey." Tim tried a smile, only to fix large, sad eyes.

"Come on," Tim loosened his hands, fixing the bag on his shoulder.

The ride to his home was quiet, and when they arrived at the front door, the porch's light turned on. Kojo's bark was clear, and Lucy's heart fluttered for a moment.

Tim jiggled his keys into the lock, then slowly opened the door. Lucy's knees hit the floor, and her hands immediately went to the dog's stomach. Kojo's barks quickly turned into a sticking tongue.

"I grabbed you some clothing, if you need anything I'm gonna be sitting in the kitchen." Tim smiled, placing his hands awkwardly into the pockets of his jeans.

Lucy looked up, giving a thankful nod. Her eyes were swollen, clearly having been sore from crying. Her hair was slightly frizzy, and as Tim's eyes scanned her arms, there were multiple new bruises starting to form. He frowned at the sight, then began to walk away.

He sat himself on the stool, popping the cap of a beer bottle." Lucy got up a few minutes later, calling out, "would you mind if I took a shower?"

"No, go ahead! If you need help I'm right here." Tim replied, looking over his shoulder once. He watched as Lucy's figure walked out, the dog falling after.

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