Why Must You Keep Saving Me?

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When Tim woke up, Lucy's arm had been lazily drooped around his chest, and her leg clung to his. The bandage from her ankle was beginning to unravel, and Tim rewrapped it before exiting the room.

He greeted Kojo, rubbing at his back. Bradford stepped into the kitchen, pulling out pans and ingredients.

He hummed a small song, shuffling the scrambled eggs in the pan. Once finally finishing with his gesture, he brought the dog his own food.

Lucy stepped out a few minutes later, leaning against the frame of the door. She peered over at Tim, strutting away before he saw her. She reached for the cabinets under the bathroom sink,  looking for the pack of toothbrushes Tim had mentioned last night.

Once exiting the bathroom with now a clean face and brushed teeth, she entered the kitchen.

"Morning!" Tim called, opening the refrigerator. He grabbed a coffee creamer, then closed the fridge with his elbow.

"Good morning," Lucy smiled. She made her way to the island, stepping on the bar of the stool to sit. Tim slid a plate, then placed a mug of coffee in front of her.

Tim joined her, keeping one seat in between them. "Did you sleep well?" Tim smiled, placing a fork of pancake into his mouth.

"I did."  Lucy tilted her head, running her fingers through her hair.

The two finished their breakfast, with Tim giving slight glances every few minutes.

Once finished, Tim grabbed both plates and mugs, placing them in the sink.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I assume you already brushed your teeth? I heard the water running." Tim looked back, walking down the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll be here." Lucy hollered, walking toward the sink. Before Tim left the bathroom, Lucy quickly washed the dishes.

Once back, Tim awkwardly put his hands into the pockets of his shorts, swaying back and forth on his socks.

"I want to talk about, if that's okay." Lucy muttered, washing her hands before turning off the faucet.

"Of course that is," Tim furrowed his eyebrows, suggesting they sit on the couch. Tim had removed all the sheets that Lucy was meant to sleep on, folding them and placing them on the end of the sofa.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't thinking." Lucy rubbed at her knees, sitting down a foot or two from Bradford.

"I told you if you needed anything you could find me, I meant that. I didn't mind last night, you needed trusting arms, and you came to me. I'm glad you did." Tim was sincere, and it just made the topic all the more heartbreaking.

"I know things have been rocky between us... I told you we didn't have to jump into being super close again, and then I went off and texted you. It wasn't right, I know that. I hurt you and I know you knew it.

Me texting you last night, or sleeping here isn't going to resolve anything. We keep coming back to this, me running to you when the slightest thing ticks me off. You let me, and apologize for God knows what, and then eventually.."

Tim holds up a hand.

"Lucy, no. That's not what this is. It isn't. You and I, it's different. You didn't text me last night because you were 'ticked off', you texted me because you were scared Chris was going to kill you. Don't beat yourself up over what's in the past, you can't change that. All you can do is try to make tomorrow better." Tim folded his arms, making sure his eyes stayed on Chen.

"Do you think Chris was going to kill me?" Lucy's eyes were large, though this time there were no tears. All she could do was wait for the man's answer, and hope he meant it.

"What do you think was going to happen? What I think doesn't matter, because it didn't happen."

Lucy tapped on the sofa, and suddenly Kojo was running toward it. He lay himself down between them, snuggling his nose at her hip.

Chen's nail tan over the dog's short coat, the other hand still at her knee.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" Tim offered, rubbing at Kojo's ears.

"I'd gone out for a few minutes to put a load of laundry to wash, and when I came back the door was pried open. I figured Tamara had come early, until I saw Chris' watch sitting on the kitchen island. There was a flask a few feet away, and behind my bedroom door was Chris.

He was furious. Talking about his job going under, the breakup, and you. Tim, he said he was going to kill you. That you breaking up with him for me was more cowardly than me doing it myself." Lucy rolled her eyes, gazing out the window.

Kojo's soft snores filled the silence, and Tim's hand grazed over her arm slightly.

"You aren't going to see him, he's far from here. From you."

"I fought with him for a little, and suddenly he grabbed the knife. He hit me in the back first. Last night, when I was taking a shower, I couldn't help but think of what would happen if I hadn't fought back, if I had just let him grab at me, tell me how we were supposed to have a picture perfect future together." Lucy tucked her lip between her teeth, removing her hand from Kojo's back.

"I'm not buying that. Lucy, you're not the type to give up over some jerk who doesn't deserve you. I know that, you know that, Hell, all of Los Angeles knows that."

Lucy fluttered her eyelashes, tears running down her soft cheeks.

"Come here," Tim cooed. His arms were open, and Lucy was lifting herself from the couch to reach him. She placed herself beside his, her arm and head resting on chest. One of Bradford's hands rested on her hair, rubbing small circles at her roots with his finger tips, and the other hand kept her leg from sliding off his thigh.

"Don't think for a second this makes you weak. You, Lucy Chen, will forever be the bravest person I'll ever meet." Timothy reassured her, grabbing one of the folded blankets quickly before she could slump against him. He brought his hand back to the fold her knee, and she spread the gray blanket around them, Kojo included.

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