Run and Never Look Back

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Once the car finally stopped, the sun had almost set completely. Tim opened the door for Kojo, letting him run freely in circles. He then opened the door for Chen, walking over to her side so he could pick her up again.

She laughed into his shoulder as he propped her onto the backseat, allowing her to rummage through the bags.

"I'm gonna be right over there, you take your time to get dressed." Tim smiled, pointing toward a field with small flowers growing.

Lucy thanked him, then closed her own door. She removed her shirt, then grabbed one she hope would fit her. All were either too big or too small, she'd been contemplating on buying a whole new wardrobe, but that would only consist of her not liking the pieces a few days later.

She threw on a pair of running shorts, the sides each with a white symbol. The small of her stomach was slightly out, and she silently thanked Tim for not picking such a horrendous top.

She put on her socks, then shoes. Her wrist already had a band on it, and she took it as an opportunity to tie her hair into a ponytail.

Once out, Tim turned to look at her. She looks good in everything, what the hell.

"Ready?" She asked, closing the door behind her. She tugged at her hair, adjusting it slightly. She grabbed the belongings she had previously left in the passenger seat, cupping them in her arms.

Tim whistled, and in a flash, Kojo was at their feet, panting.

Lucy held at her stomach, they hadn't eaten since that morning.

"Let's go," Tim asked, placing the equipment onto the frantic dog.

Lucy began to ran, a slow jog at first but as she saw Tim catch up, her feet kicked quickly at the yellow dirt and sand. She finally stopped when Tim yelled, "Okay! okay," from what sounded like a mile back in her ears.

The two stopped, and ahead of them was Kojo. The two sat under a large tree, looking over their shoulders as they noticed the glimmering sunset.

It had a gorgeous yellow halo, the middle containing  a bright purple and orange. There were accents of a pink and some blue, and behind the fading clouds were streaks of place.

The two walked closer to the edge, sitting with their feet dangling. The drop wasn't too deep, though deep enough to see the top of the full trees.

"Close your eyes," Tim whispered, tapping her shoulder twice. She did as told, using her hands as a blindfold. She heard the dog scurry back to them, and she placed one hand out for Kojo to smell. He made his way to her, allowing her to scratch his back with his heavy breathing.

Lucy grew worried with each minute Tim wasn't there. Her hand worriedly grew lighter on the coat of brown fur, and she placed her other hand onto the ground. There were small pebbles, thick clusters of dirt, and lightweight sand slipping through her fingers. Her fingers played with the small patch of grass, her eyes remaining closed.

Tim returned seven minutes later, a large, woven basket in hand. He tapped at Lucy's shoulder again, and she quickly turned around.

"You can open them," Tim smiles, his eyes barely visible. The Sun was now gone, and Lucy couldn't help but frown at the realization that she hadn't captured a photograph.

Bradford removed his phone from his pocket, turning on his flashlight.

He stepped back, laying out a checkered blanket onto a less-rocky surface. Once realizing his sweet gesture, Lucy awed with her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets. Her smile was large, and she couldn't help but giggle as Tim struggled to open the brown basket.

Once finally removing the clasp, he opened the container, and inside was Lucy's favorite.

"You know me too well," Lucy chuckled, astonished as Bradford set down all the fast food. Foods from various restaurants, dog treats, pastries.

"I hadn't noticed," Tim replied with a proud smirk. Kojo joined them, sitting beside Lucy with his tongue out. She kept one hand on his head, the other reaching for her fries.

"When'd you have the time to get this?" Her tone only held curiosity.

"We fell asleep and I woke up a little later. I ran out and ordered some stuff." He shrugged his shoulders, a small grin on her face.

So he chose to sleep the way he did..?  With me below him, and him holding onto me?

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