Friends with Benefits

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Lucy exited her room, dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a simple, black top. She greeted Tamara, who sat at the island, pouring herself a mug of coffee. 

"You going to talk to Tim today?" Tamara asked, filling her mouth with a spoonful of yogurt.

"I have to, I've been dodging him since the day he broke up with Ashley." Lucy rolled her eyes with an exhale, her elbows on the marble island as she sipped on her coffee. Tamara sucked in her teeth, shaking her head.

"Uh oh," she chuckled, chewing on a raspberry. 

"Don't even. I feel terrible for leading him on. I like him and I know he likes me, but after Chris I just don't think I'm ready for another relationship." She sipped at her coffee again.

"He knows you need time, don't worry Luce. Oh, hey, our project is looking gorgeous." Tamara giggled, jumping onto her feet and running to the living room. She picked up a large piece of fabric, a blanket of Chris' ripped shirts all patched together. Lucy joined in on Tamara's giggles, holding up the masterpiece.

"He's going to hate it," Lucy cackled, clapping her hands together. 

"You really going to give him this?" Tamara laughed, back to eating her breakfast.

Lucy nodded with a small smirk, her eyes beaming. 

"I've heard people say jail gets cold. Maybe he'll appreciate it!" 


The blue locker closed, and Tim made way to the bullpen, meeting with Angela and Sloan. After chatting with the two for a few minutes, he finally sat down, legs spread as he sipped his coffee. He watched his fellow officers stroll, a large group chattering across the room. He kept a peeled eye for Chen, tapping at the cup's cardboard sleeve. 

"Hey, Aaron," he suddenly heard a perky voice. He turned his head slightly, catching a glimpse of Lucy before she walked away with Thorsen by her side. The two chuckled, heading to the break room. Tim exhaled, turning his attention back to Lopez as she babbled about Wesley. 

He ran his large fingers through his hair as the bullpen filled with a few more officers, Grey finally entering roll call. "Midnight Shift has left us with their unfinished work," he exhaled, slapping the paper to the podium as he rubbed his chin, putting the black marker to the whiteboard.

"Surprise, surprise!"  Angela called out, earning laughs from the crowd. A few turned their head to face her, including Chen. She quickly glanced over to Lopez, then Bradford, her head immediately turning back. She kept her head straight the rest of the period, listening carelessly as Grey assigned cases. 

"Chen, you're riding with Thorsen today." The words flew through Lucy's ears, her mind busy counting the number of lights in the lit room, then the number of tiles on the floor. 

"Can I take the wheel?" Aaron nudged her, his eyes still focused on the sergeant. 


"We're riding together. Can I drive?" He informed Lucy, curving his eyebrows. 

"Oh, right. Yeah, I don't mind," Lucy politely smiled, fixing her eyes to Grey.

After Grey finished his speech and sent off his officers, Lucy and Aaron made way to the gear room, each grabbing a war bag. 

"You sure you're all right?" Thorsen spoke out, throwing the duffel bag over his shoulder. Lucy quickly nodded, smiling as they walked toward their shop. She glanced over to Tim, who was riding solo, frowning as she scanned him. I'm going to have to break his heart. Again. Lucy suddenly felt sick to her stomach, a wrecking feeling coming over her as she thought of Tim and what he would say. How come she had to make the big decision, why couldn't Tim decide what they were? Perhaps because she had been seducing him and leading him on...

She shook her brain of the idea and hopped into the vehicle. While on duty, Lucy kept catching herself hovering over Tim's contact. She hesitated to text him, figuring he wouldn't check his phone until end of shift. 

"Okay, what's up with you?" Aaron looked over to Lucy. She brought her attention to him, curving her eyebrows in confusion. She tilted her head, simply watching Aaron express concern. She hinted to the cameras in the shop and went back to hovering over her phone's screen. 


Angela and Tim parted in laughter, Tim making his way to the parking lot. He spotted Lucy and made way to her car, breathing deeply before she finally caught him walking up to her. She waved a hand, running her fingers through her hair and fixing her top. "Hey," she mumbled, strutting over to Tim. 

They walked in silence for a moment, finally sitting at a small, stone wall. 

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it. I really like us, and the way we work, but after the whole Chris thing I don't know if I want the whole relationship thing. Not right now, at least. But I don't want the sneaking around to end, you know? The thrill of the entire thing. I like it, and I think you do to," Lucy winced, awkwardly looking her feet. She touched her hair, then her pants, skimming her fingernails through the material. 

Tim nodded, silent for a moment. He placed his hands on his knees, bringing his eyes to meet Lucy's. 

"I want that too," he mumbled. 

Lucy's cheeks blushed, and she reached her hand out. She let Tim rest his hand in hers, and she felt at his large hand, his large fingers and rough palm. 

"Okay," she simply said, firmly gripping onto his hand with her second hand. She squeezed tightly, rubbing circles with the pads of her thumbs. 

"So, friends?" Tim frowned; the words sounded bland. 

"With benefits," Lucy tilted her head with a giggle, squeezing his hand twice more before letting go. She placed them at her hips, watching as Tim got up. He made his hands into fists, crossing his arms. 


"You drive." Lucy finished his thought, and they quickly walked back to the parking spaces, entering Tim's truck. 

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