Only You

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"Don't look at me like that." Tim exhaled, shaking his head as he fixed the pillow behind his neck.

Lucy's lips fell into a pout, sulking in Tim's embrace.

"I just feel awful for not giving you what you want. I know you wanted to be in a relationship, and that this isn't enough for you." Lucy began, inhaling deeply before continuing.

"And I know you said you're okay with it, but I don't believe it. I don't believe you want to just have the benefits. Tamara won't stop talking about us, and her eyes beam whenever you come over. She loves having you around." Lucy finished, twisting her fingers in Tim's shirt.

Tim thought for a moment, appalled at Lucy's confession.

"Lucy, I love Tamara, too. She's like family to me, I hope she knows that. And as for what you said, I do want to be more, but I know you don't, and I'm willing to respect your wishes if it means we can still be happy." Tim inhaled the smell of her hair, faint vanilla and lavender filing his nostrils.

Lucy looked up at him again, placing a hand on his cheek. She tried deciphering his face, a mix of sadness and acceptance lingering as he met eyes with her.

"I don't want you to feel that way, Tim. I don't want you to feel like your feelings are less important, like I'm the only one who gets a say. I hate myself for what I did to you. I used your vulnerability and- and I apologize. I'm so- so sorry." Lucy sniffled, floods in her eyes as she stumbled on words. With regret clear on her face, Tim brought the pad of his thumb to Lucy's cheek, wiping the fallen tear.

"I forgive you. You know I do. Don't feel sorry for something that happened in the past. I've already voiced my opinion, I want what you want, Luce." Tim croaked, shifting his body so Lucy could rest her head on his arm.

"Tim, there has to be more. You can't expect us to be this forever."

"I don't. Like you said, eventually we'll be in a relationship. I'll wait for you, Lucy, even if you're not willing to wait for me." Tim spoke, his words soft and gentle.

"You're not going to wait forever," Lucy said.

"I will."

"Why?" Lucy drew her brows together, pinching at her own shirt.

Because I'm in love with you, Lucy.


Tim Bradford woke up the next morning, still embraced in a tight hug Lucy demanded they sleep in. Her tear-stained cheeks left Tim with all the guilt and putty in the world, and hesitantly, he got up from the comfortable bed, walking over to the dresser, grabbing his telephone.

"3:48 AM"

He hesitated for a moment, unwilling to leave Lucy.

Placing a soft kiss on her cheek, he threw a blanket over the woman, then made way out of the parking lot, careful not to wake the girl in the other bedroom. He threw on his jacket, and made way out the door.

He entered his truck, clicking his seatbelt and merging into the quiet street.

His mind replayed the night with Lucy, he was sure he was in love with her, and keeping this from her was only torturing him further. Their warm embrace, his hesitance to leave her side and Tamara, the denial he held against their relationship.

He smeared his hand over his face, waking himself from the tired and heavy eyes. He pulled into his driveway after a few minutes of a silent drive, greeting a sleepy Kojo.

He stumbled over to his own bed, unbothered to remove his jacket.


"Tim was here late last night," Tam hinted, raising eyebrows  and cupped her hands along the warm mug of coffee.

"Okay, you need to stop with that! We didn't do anything, he just stayed over and accidentally fell asleep. I thought he would've popped in." Lucy shrugged, sipping at her coffee.

"Nope, he must've left really late, I wasn't home until at least one." Tamara covered her face, letting out a yawn. She watched Lucy leave the kitchen, go into her room, then return, with a new outfit. Black jeans, and a white tee. A few pieces of her hair were in a crown, the rest laying against her back and along her shoulders.

"I completely forgot he drove me here last night, God." Lucy rolled her eyes, stressing as she attempted to call Nolan.

"What are you doing?" Tamara interrupted, typing into her own phone.

"My phone's dead, I wanted to call John," Lucy groaned, fighting the urge to throw it against the wall.

"Use mine, you need to call Tim, right?" Tamara waved the phone, screen already on the contact. A clear smirk plastered against her face as Lucy was handed the device.

Tim Bradford 😠☕️

"These emojis are very accurate," Lucy chuckled, and brought the phone to her ear. It rang a few times, then finally connected.

"What's up, T?" Tim called into the device, the sound of his voice crackling in Lucy's ear.

"T, huh?" Lucy chuckled, looking over to Tamara. Quickly, she walked out, rolling her eyes with a shy smile as she closed her bedroom door.

"Lucy?" His voice lit up, and butterflies fluttered in Lucy's stomach as the familiar voice filled her ears.

"Your butt feeling better yet?" He joked, gripping tightly onto the steering wheel.

Lucy hummed, sipping at her sweet coffee.

"How come you're up so early?" Bradford questioned, making a sharp turn. He slowed his pace on the road, then eventually pulled into a small parking lot.

"Someone wanted to me write their paperwork." Lucy groaned, wiping the sleep from her face.

"Oops," he spoke, hopping out of his truck.

"So, hey, I need you to pick me up. You drove me home last night." Lucy reminded Tim, scratching at her head as she paced around the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon." Tim grunted, a few muffled voices overcoming the call.

"Okay, thank you. I should go, Tamara's probably waiting for her phone." Lucy sighed, and quickly ended the call, knocking at Tam's door.

"Tim's coming soon to pick me up, thanks." Lucy smiled, closing her door and entering her own bedroom.

She made her bed, cleaned up her bathroom of the many cosmetics, and looked at herself in the mirror, eyebrow arched as she scanned her reflection.

Her bruises were healing, and the deep cuts on her arm that Chris planted were unraveling their stitches. She fixed her hair, touching up her makeup as she waited for Tim to arrive.

After many minutes of pacing, a knock at the door interrupted Lucy's thoughts, and before she could even move, Tamara flew to the door, frantic as she waited for Tim to step in.

"Hey, you!" Tamara smiled, taking the cups of coffee from Tim's hands. She thanked him, then snuck off to her room, shutting the door behind herself.

"She's already had two cups, she's going to be jumping off the walls." Lucy voiced loudly, earning whines from Tamara's door.

"She's a big girl," Tim shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets. Lucy scanned Bradford's outfit, blue jeans and a black T-shirt. He swayed on the heels of his feet, lips pressed into a straight line as Lucy walked closer.

"Thanks for last night," Lucy finally spoke, stroking Tim's arm with her fingertips.

"Anytime. You ready?"

Lucy nodded, readjusting the strapped bag hanging off her shoulder.

"Tamara, I'm gonna go now!" Lucy knocked at the girl's door.

"Okay, see you!" 

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